Saturday, May 16, 2009

Home made Sriracha Style Hot Sauce

home made sriracha style hot sauce

Our blog is officially 2 weeks old! We've only been reading blogs for the last 6 or 7 months and literally just dove head first into this blogging thing without much planning. So on this occasion, we do want to acknowledge a few blogs that we've been reading for a while that have been very influential for us. First, Wandering Chopstick's series on how to start a food blog made us so knowledgeable so fast. Second, White on Rice Couple...was the inspiration to join the blogging world together. So in this post, we're making White on Rice Couple's Chili Garlic Sriracha Style Hot Sauce because we have a huge bag of home grown chili peppers given to us by Kim's aunts.

Chili Garlic Sriracha Style Hot Sauce
by White on Rice Couple.

home made sriracha style hot sauce

Their directions are so easy to follow and it took about 45 minutes total (cooling time included). The home grown chili peppers we have are burn your tongue and knock your socks off hot. We ended up using only 4 of those babies. Also, when chopping a lot of chile peppers, DO wear protection. I got chili burned one time and it was so bad, I wanted to gnaw my fingers off and it kept me up all night with my hands soaking in an ice bath....Also, do follow Diane's advice on starting with a few and then adding more later on during the simmer once all the ingredients are mixed. So how did it turn out?? Garlicy goodness with mild heat throughout and a great kick at the end... fantastic!

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  1. Happy 2-week birthday :) I've always wanted to make my own Sriracha - especially since I don't have any in my fridge right now! Love your Vietnamese recipes!


  2. the premise of your blog is adorable, i love it!

    i have this recipe bookmarked too, eventually i'll get around to making this. so glad yours came out so lovely.

    happy 2 weeks old! :)

  3. Wow, you've only been blogging for 2 weeks? Your photographs and blog read like seasoned bloggers!
    Glad that the recipe turned out good, especially with the fresh chilies. Next time, dare yourselves and DOUBLE the chlies!

  4. WoRC:

    The chiles are way too hot to double up! Thanks for the recipe:)

  5. Tram: Thank you for the birthday wish... hopefully we'll be able to include nutrition information on our recipes soon..

    Angry Asian: Thanks! Just remember to make it with protection:)

  6. That's really cool, I'm going to make my own after I finish the bottle in the fridge. Thanks for sharing this!

  7. gaga: White on Rice's recipe is very simple to follow so let them know how it goes! Thanks for stopping by our new blog.


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