Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lemon Garnish: Fish with a Twist

lemon fish garnish

Fish is commonly served with a wedge of lemon. ...but why just a wedge?? Who's to say we can't be more creative? (You're probably wondering at this point--are we nuts and don't we have day jobs?? Yes, to the latter..and as for the former...we'll leave that to you to decide! :) ) But the next time you serve fish or just want a fun decorative garnish for a party platter, try this cute and simple garnish. Your kids/guest will be pleasantly delighted. Who says you can't play with your food and eat it too?

lemon fish garnish
This guy ended up as lemonade

Lemon Fish Garnish (Great Garnishes, published by Wei-Chuan Cookbook)
  • 1 large lemon (we got these giant ones from the backyard of one of Kim's aunts)
  • sharp paring knife
  • exacto knife or zestor with a large cutting end
First cut a large wedge shape piece off one end of the lemon for the mouth. Then cut about a 1/4 inch slice off the base to use as the fins. Trim this base piece and cut little wedges in the fin and slice a small thin wedge on top of the fish and squeeze it in. Use the trimmed pieces from the fin to insert on the sides of the fish for the side gills. Carve out some eyes with a zester or an exacto knife (or draw some on with a sharpee). Optional: carve a lip with the zester, angling it to use only one edge.

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  1. This is DARLING! Super cute and fun! I'd love to link to this post in my next Crafty Food Roundup if you don't mind.

  2. How cute is that?! You're kind of crazy is right up my alley! My kids would love these.

  3. hehe, that is very cute! try with other fruit and make an entire showcase!

  4. Very cute idea! This reminds me of the mouse and swan in the Top Chef Masters dessert!

  5. reganmitzi: And easy to do!

    Dominique: Thanks..try it sometime!

    Rachel: Thanks for the link in your crafty food roundup!

    Cookin Canuck: Food's always more fun if you play with it too :)

    Food Addicts: yes, you can def. do it with other fruits..

    Hilary: Yes, saw that episode...Hubert Keller rocks!

    Chow and Chatter: thanks!

  6. Just discover your blog and I have to say...Love the blog and love the lemon fish! Of course, you can play with the food and eat it too. The Japanese have been doing it for centuries. Check out the following link. Sadly, the talented lady no longer does it but enjoy. BTW, she is Vietnamese also and incorporated into her bentos.

  7. Mai: thanks for the link--those bentos are fabulous! So glad you discovered our site. Hope you visit and comment more often!

  8. I Love the recipe that contain lemon juice, the taste is really wonderful and delicious. this is my favorite fruit and i enjoy preparing recipes. My boyfriend always enjoy all my recipe. He is really happy.
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