Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Caramelized Chicken Ga Kho

caramelized chicken

Caramelized chicken - ga kho is such a simple yet delicious recipe that you'll want to keep as your quick go to dish for an easy but delicious dinner. Mom used to make this dish with a lot of ginger and caramelize the chicken in much the same way as our ca kho to (fish in clay pot), but there's more then one way to, caramelize a chicken so to speak. Chef John from Food Wishes has a super easy method of combining fish sauce, sugar, water, and vinegar into a one step caramelization process without making your own caramel sauce or using store bought caramel. His recipe results in a familiar caramelized sauce that is sweet, savory, and gooey delicious. It's so simple and we've made several times, never getting tired of it.

caramelized chicken

Caramelized Chicken - Ga Kho (adapted from Food Wishes)
Printable recipe
  • 2.5 lbs chicken thigh/leg (skinless, either bone in or deboned. We prefer bone in because we like to knaw on bone and keeping the peices of chicken on the larger side, we think it's juicier that way--Don't use breast as it gets really dry)
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup fish sauce
  • 1/3 cup rice vinegar
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 4 cloves of minced garlic
  • 2 tbs grated/finely minced ginger (you can also substitute with finely minced lemongrass)
  • 2 shallots minced
  • 2 tbs fish sauce for marinade
  • 1 tbs brown sugar for marinade
  • 2 jalepenos and 1 thai chili (optional) thinly sliced
  • 2 green onions, sliced about 1/2 inch
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • roasted sesame
  • 2 tbs cooking oil
Marinade the chicken with 2 tbs of fish sauce and 1 tbs brown sugar for about 1/2 hr. In the meantime in a small bowl make the sauce by combining 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup water, rice vinegar, and fish sauce and mix until dissolve. Add the ginger, shallots, and garlic and set aside.

Heat a large pan on high with cooking oil and add the chicken with the flat surface of thigh facing down. Allow to sear without touching them for a minute or so and then pour in about 1/4 of the sauce. Try not to move around the chicken as you want the chicken to sear and caramelize. The sauce will start to thicken and the chicken will brown after a few minutes. Check to see if it's nicely caramelized, then turn the pieces of chicken over and pour in the rest of the sauce. Continue to cook until sauce is reduced to nice thick consistency and just as you turn off the heat, toss in the chiles and green onions. Transfer to serving platter and generously top with roasted sesame and fresh cracked pepper.

caramelized chicken

Enjoy with plenty of steaming hot rice and we're confidant that this will become a part of your normal dinner routine. This recipe is so easy you can vary it by substituting lemon grass in the sauce or finish off with basil in addition to the jalapenos.


  1. That looks so amazing! I prefer chicken on the bone too, it really does help with the moisture. So great to be reading all these Vietnamese recipes, I feel like I've been missing out on some great food in my life!

  2. Looks really tasty! I saw this in one of my cookbooks, now, I really want to try! :)

  3. Bookmark!
    I'm hoping to make this tonight....

  4. Just want to let you know that I made it tonight for our supper. It was SUPERB! Whole family loved it! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  5. connie: well, it's never to late to try..this up in SF, this is one of slanted door's more popular dishes!

    mycookinghut: ga kho is one of those dishes that is so homely and comforting.

    elra: Thank you so much for the feedback on the caramelized chicken!! We like the flexibility--next time use alot more ginger (ga kho gung) or lemongrass (ga kho xa) or instead of green onions, throw in some coarsely chopped basil...

  6. wonderful and simple dish!
    i'm a black meat person, gotta be thighs instead of breasts!!!!

  7. lululu: caramelized chicken works best with dark leg/thigh meats. Let us know if you try this!

  8. I will try this the next time I cook chicken. Looks really flavourful and delicious!

  9. Delicious, my kind of food. Will definitely be trying this one soon, thanks.

  10. That sounds like the perfect comfort food after a long day !

  11. Little Teochow: Thanks and it's really quick to prepare.

    MrsLavundula: Ga Kho is one of our favs!

    Debs: Let us know how this caramelized chicken goes for you.

    Chocolate shavings: Ga Kho is also not that long to prepare after a long day either. If you're rushed for time, you can skip the marinations step.

  12. This dish looks & sounds simply wonderful! Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. Wow, thanks for the link! You guys take some amazing photos! I'm very envious.

  14. Sounds so sweet and flavorful. May be worth a try.

  15. andrea: Thanks!

    Chef John: Thanks for the great recipe! Something as good as ga kho needs to be made often.

    Duo Dishes: Caramelized chicken is really sweet and savory. Thanks for the comments!

  16. oh myyyy how beautiful! i love everything caramelized. hmm also shoes in caramel shades...

  17. rita: you're always so funny and fashionable!! :)

  18. Hi,

    Great stuff!

    I've got shop bought caramel, which I'm assuming will be okay?

    Looks so delicious - keep up the good work!

  19. Nii: With this recipe you don't need the extra caramel sauce! We'll guarantee that the sauce above will caramelize. That's the beauty of less ingredient! Thanks for stopping by and the compliments!

  20. nutrition to Kitchen: Thanks! We love caramelized chicken too.

  21. What a wonderful chicken recipe and great photo. I am so glad you shared it with us.

  22. sweet and savory: thank you! hope you try this caramelized chicken and let us know what you think!

  23. Mmmm, I have GOT to try this. Looks fantastic!

  24. gaga: do take photos and let us know how it goes!

  25. Made this last night after seeing it on tastespotting a couple of weeks ago. DELICIOUS! It's definitely going to be a regular in our house. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  26. jkelber: Thanks for the feedback and so glad you enjoyed Vietnamese thit kho. It's really versatile...try adding more ginger for a ga kho gung...or lemongrass for ga kho xa

  27. didn't read carefully and left the skin on and forgot the cracked pepper, but it was still awesome! Will add basil next time - can't wait to try it.

  28. Tia: So glad you enjoyed it! Definitely experiment with basil and lemongrass!

  29. I made this tonight, and it was great! Rave reviews all the way around. Can't wait to try it with lemongrass now. :)

  30. Thank you so much for suggesting this recipe. Made it tonight and it was FABULOUS!!! And easy to boot. You're my heros. :)

  31. Kt and Amy : So glad you enjoyed the ga kho!

  32. I have always hated ga kho gung but made a leap of faith and tried this recipe. It simply rocks! Thank you for showing me what I was missing in life..

  33. This is the first recipe I have tried from your website,and OH MY!!...better than grandmas ga kho! I can not wait to try ALL your recipes. Loved it!It was so fragrant and flavorful. Thanks!

  34. I tried this recipe the other night and it was so yummy. I'm now wondering if I can replace the chicken with pork ribs? Please advise. Thank you for the great recipe.

  35. @anonymous: give it a try! it should work..however, we love our sweet and sour spare ribs recipe so much we don't try to experiment with others! :)

  36. SO GOOOD!!!!!! Served it with vermicelli noodles and broccoli. Can't wait to eat the leftovers for lunch tomorrow :)


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