Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Persimmon Puff Pastry Fruit Tart

persimmon tart

We are by no means bakers. In fact, this is our very first baking post. But thankfully, as part of Foodbuzz tastemakers program we had Pepperidge Farms puff pastry sheets to help us. We were also fortunate to have some beautiful ripe home grown fuyu persimmons given to us by The Food Addicts who even suggested we make these since we had the puff pastry. So here's our first attempt at making persimmon puff pastry tarts. It turned out to be so simple and delicious--with only about 20 minutes of prep and cook time!

Persimmon Tart
Printable recipe
  • 1 box of puff pastry sheets, thawed
  • 2-3 ripe persimmons, peeled and thinly sliced
  • brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • 2 tbs of jam, any flavor you wish
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Using a round mode or bowl and sharp knife, cut a round 6 inch piece of puff pastry. Using a fork, gently poke around the center of the puff pastry where you will place the persimmon slices--you don't have to go all the way through. Do not get too close to the edge as you want that to rise. Sprinkle small amount of sugar and cinnamon on the pastry. Add the slices of persimmon in an overlapping circle and sprinkle some more sugar and cinnamon. Place onto foil or lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes or until golden brown and remove and allow to cool slightly.

In the meantime, heat the jam in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Use a brush and gently dab the pastry and persimmons, being careful not to displace the neatly aligned slices of persimmon. Once the jam dries, it will have a great bakery quality glaze.

persimmon tart

Using the Pepperidge Farms puff pastry sheets couldn't have been easier. Our tart had a lovely airy buttery crust and the ripe persimmons are currently in season so it was a great way to enjoy them.

How would you enjoy this persimmon tart--alone, with whipped cream, or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?


  1. Just discovered your blog from your comment over on ours - thanks! I completely agree on the store-bought dough. The beauty of these tarts is that you can make them in an instant. I made similar ones a lot a few years ago (with mangoes, must try persimmons) and although homemade dough will obviously taste different... I don't think it's worth it ;) Thanks for this recipe, I may make it over the weekend now!

  2. I would love to have this persimmon puff pastry tart with ice cream. I like the simplicity of this recipe, and that it can be used with seasonal fruits.

  3. If I can get some persimmons (saw some in the store a few days ago) I will make these for Christmas.

  4. Bless puff pastry! We must have some cosmic connection of tastebuds....

  5. Chloe: Thanks for stopping by! We're definitely going to have to always keep puff pastry in stock.

    FLB: totally agree with seasonal fruits..we're going to have to experiment with savories as well.

    powerplantop: the nice thing is that you can have things set up and keep it in the fridge, then when you're ready to bake, just put on the fruit and pop it in the oven.

    jessica: you're fruit compote is simply perfect!

  6. hey guys! great job on your first baking post. the persimmon fruit tart looks lovely! wish we were able to try it, too. glad you guys made good use of the fruit!

  7. Lovely composition and photos, as usual! This looks like something my wife might like. I may try it for Christmas Eve.

  8. Krissy: Thanks for the persimmons--they were so good!

    sijeleng: thanks! let us know how it goes!

  9. Ready made puff pastries are the best! I've never cooked persimmons, looks and sounds great!

  10. my friend's mom has a persimmon tree and they always end up with too much fruit! i'm going to give her your recipe and get her to make some for us. looks delicious.

  11. I LOVE fuyu persimmons! Great post!

  12. I love the idea of persimmon tart, will definitely be trying asap!

  13. pigspigcorner: persimmons are great cook..we've seen them grilled and even pickled!

    bagnatic: that's a great--let us know how it goes!

    hummingbird: thanks!

    5 star foodie: anything in season would go great with puff pastry!

  14. It doesn't look like a first time - so pretty and nicely arranged :D

  15. That tart is beautiful. Very nicely done!

  16. ooh, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream :) this sounds lovely!!

  17. You baked! You baked! You've been sayin' you have to try baking every time you visit my blog, and you finally did it! :) What first time??? It looks perfect! Well done!!!

  18. I love your choice of Persimmons and I can just imagine all the possibilities with different flavors of jam and fruit! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Looks fantastic! my parents have several persimmon trees and I always wondered what I'd do with a bag full of them...this would be a must try. Thanks for sharing this recipe

  20. Merry Christmas to this wonderful couple!

  21. Great job! I have never used puff pastry before either and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do it. :) I'm much less comfortable baking than cooking, heh too. :) btw, I just nominated you for a Homie. :) http://homies.apartmenttherapy.com/2009/blog/ravenouscouple.blogspot.com

  22. Great looking tart... I love persimmons (just made a persimmon pudding)and can't wait to try them your way! Thanks for the recipe!

  23. I made these for the big dinner. To save time I made two big ones. My wife loves picking off the persimmons and eating them. My little one likes eatting the pastry.

    Anyway here is the results http://www.flickr.com/photos/40726522@N02/4213135819/

  24. The tarts have wonderful colours, look lovely. I have never used persimmon in cooking / baking. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Can't wait to try it when persimmon is in season in Australia.

  25. Happy Holidays everyone!! Powerplantop...great idea to use the entire sheet to save time!

  26. Happy Holidays, Kim and Hong!! Not a shabby first stab at a baking post ;-)

    I wish you two the very best and hope to see more of both of you in 2010!

  27. Wow! That's beautiful! I've never had permissions in pastries. That's a great idea. Have a happy New Year!

  28. Whoa! I love, love, LOVE persimmon and pastry. What a great combination! Will have to try it one day soon. :-D

  29. hi i just love your blog - my parents are vietnamese and they know most of these recipes off by heart no instructions needed! makes me feel abit ashamed that i dont pick up any of their cooking - i cook aussie food or italian or something non vietnamese - i guess cos they have been cooking it for me all my life so i want to explore other cultures & foods

    just the other day we had some persimmon in our fridge and i wondered what i could bake them with and couldnt think of anything so i forgot all about it

    now when we have more in our fridge i will definitely try this simple recipe out, thanks for sharing :O)


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