Monday, January 11, 2010

Banh Cuon Vietnamese Steam Rice Rolls

banh cuon

Banh Cuon (Vietnamese Steamed Rice Rolls/Crepes) is the perfect holiday detox food. After the last Thanksgiving holiday back in Detroit, Michigan we needed something light, delicate, and yet flavorful to detox after our feast. So when my mom asked us what wanted to eat the weekend after thanksgiving dinner, we immediately requested some banh cuon. Banh cuon is a very light crepe often with ground pork, minced wood ear mushroom, and onions and eaten with Vietnamese ham (cha lua), steamed beansprouts, and cucumbers. Another variation arising from a village in Northern Vietnam famous for their banh cuon is called banh cuon "Thanh Tri" a style where the crepe is not rolled but kept in sheets without any filling, and sprinkled with fried onions.

banh cuon

Vietnamese banh cuon is different from the rice rolls found at Chinese dim sum, cheong fun, because the banh cuon crepe is extremely thin and delicate and not topped with sweet soy sauce. The reason for this thinness is the process of how it's made. Banh cuon can be made extremely thin because it's steamed over a fabric covered pot which can quickly cook the rice flour, keeping it moist and workable. My mom bought these pots that are specially outfitted with a metal ring where a fine nylon/cotton cloth is tautly stretched across and placed on top of the pot. A very thin layer of batter is poured on to the cloth and evenly spread and steams paper thin, and in less than a minute, a flat and flexible bamboo stick is used to lift off the delicate rice crepe.

banh cuon

This is my mom with the freshly steamed banh cuon. See how extremely thin and translucent the steamed rice roll is? We both tried our hands on lifting off the crepe from the steamer and messed up a few, but after a while, with plenty of practice we were able to do it. Occasionally, when some of her friends have parties, they ask my mom to cater this dish and my mom would have 2 pots steaming the banh cuon at once working at an amazingly efficient and brisk pace that comes with years of experience. One time, my mom and her bestfriend had 5 steaming pots at the same time!

This recipe is written for making banh cuon with a nonstick pan since we realize that it's not practical to make this with the specialized pot and fabric which she brought back from Vietnam (although we've actually seen these pots occasionally in Chinatown in LA). It won't be as thin as steaming it on fabric, but the result will still be satisfactory, and we hope satisfying.

Banh Cuon Vietnamese Steamed Rice Rolls
Printable Recipes

  • 1 bag of rice flour (16 oz)
  • 1 bag of tapioca flour (14 oz)
  • 1 ts salt
  • 3 qt of water
  • 1 lb ground pork
  • 1 cup Wood Ear mushrooms (soaked and drained and chopped into small pieces)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 shallot, thinly diced
  • 1 tbs fish sauce
  • fresh cracked pepper
banh cuon

In a large mixing bowl, combine the rice and tapioca flour with water and salt. Mix well.

Steam up the beansprouts in the microwave, and slice up the cha lua, and julien the cucumbers

Then make the filling. In a pan on medium high heat, add a small bit of cooking oil and fry the shallots. When shallots begin to turn yellow, add the ground pork and onions. Stir frequently and season with fish sauce. Mixture is done when the pork is no longer pink. Drain any excess liquid/fat and season with pepper and additional fish sauce or salt to taste. Set aside.

Similar to the banh xeo (sizzling rice crepes), have everything ready to go and within reach--batter, filling, a working station (mom uses a large round aluminum tray--brushed lightly with oil), bowl of oil (any neutral oil) and a brush.

Heat up a large nonstick pan to medium high heat. Brush on a very light layer of oil and ladle on the well mixed batter and immediately tilt and swirl the pan around to evenly coat the pan. You'll have to use your judgement on the quantity according to how large your pan/ladle is. Cover for about 30 seconds and the crepe should be nearly transparent. Then invert the pan to your large aluminum work tray that has been lightly brushed with oil.

banh cuon

Add a small amount of filling into the center of the crepe and spread it out thinly. Then fold over the sides and place in a serving tray. You can make many banh cuon and stack them on top of one another and it won't stick due to the very lightly oiled surface that you're working on. Repeat again and again. :)

To make the banh cuon Thanh Tri, the process is exactly the same, except of the meat filling add some fried onions in the center.

banh cuon
Banh Cuon Thanh Tri

Serve with plenty of steamed bean sprouts and julienned cucumbers, cha lua (Vietnamese ham) and nuoc mam cham on the side. Some restaurants here in the US also add pork floss, banh tom as additional toppings. For the banh cuon Thanh Tri dipping sauce you can use the same nuoc mam cham, however, in Vietnam, it's dipped in straight up fish sauce with a wedge of lime and some chili.

Banh cuon is our favorite dish when we want to eat something light and flavorful. While the traditional method my mom uses may not be practical for all, it's a skill we admired and marveled. But try it with the nonstick pan method and enjoy this great Vietnamese delicacy!


  1. Your mom is adorable! I will have to buy a steamer the next time I'm in Vietnam.

    Check out this photo of Vern learning how to make banh cuon in Hoi An ( *Almost* as cute as your mom

  2. cathy: mom says vern looks like a handsome husband and you're lucky he knows how to cook vietnamese food :)

  3. wow...looks really delicate! Soundsl ike you need lots of practice to get it right.

  4. when I was in Vietnam last year, I learned how to make these... but when I tried them at home it was a *disaster*! I'm inspired to try again... do I need a special kind of fabric? Or can I use an old cotton sheet or something like that?

  5. Ann: it does take some practice..even the part of spreading the rice batter around evenly takes a bit of practice. Removing it cleanly is harder. But fortunately, the batter is cheap to make and there's plenty to practice with :)With a pan you just invert it and it should fall out..

    Julia: You can't just use 100% cotton. It's a cloth of roughly 80/20 nylon/cotton--or so my mom says. We'll confirm it and let you know. Did you try to tie a cloth around a pot? Mom says that doesn't work because it's hard to get it very taught and there may be "steaming" issues--I think she tried before she got these rigged pots from VN.

  6. So interesting to see how they make the delicate rice paper. I didnt know that there was so much involved in making them. Nice Post

  7. Oh, this looks like chee cheong fun (steamed rice rolls you find at dim sum restaurants)! What a great idea with that have these as your detox plan. Your mom is a master! The rolls look so smooth and "slippery", if you know what I mean.

  8. these resemble the rice rolls we have in Singapore. That's a really lovely photo of your mum. and yes, the roll is so paper thin, yummy!

  9. Wow, the rice crepes look so super thin and delicate! Very neat!

  10. Is there a version for people like me who would probably have shreds as opposed to the beautiful crepe like your mother? This looks so delicious I cannot wait to give it a try.

  11. Oh, i love these and i always wondered how they were made. Thanks for sharing such a great recipe. Craving now. :)

  12. There is no end to wonderful foods I have never heard about before! Thankyou

  13. Ju: it's similar to dim sum cheong fan, but thinner and not served on soy sauce and of course served with different accompaniments. You're always so spot on...aside from a thinner crepe via the steaming method, it also yields a more "wet" crepe as well.

    oysterculture: there are some premade banh cuon "sticks" similar to large rice noodles that can give you an idea of what it's like.

    Joy: thank you! we're so glad you're learning new things from our blog.

  14. looks really good. reminds of back when i was an undergrad and tried to make banh cuon in the doorms. added some oil to a pan and just fried it..didn't turn out so

  15. ooh i love banh cuon! i never exactly knew how the rice crepe was made. fancy! i'm sure i would enjoy the home made version more than Banh Cuon Tay Ho's.

  16. your mom is so cute!! can i please have one big plate all to myself?

  17. Amazing!!! you make me mouth watering, it's been 2 years i havent eaten bánh cuốn. Some said we could make it with the non sticky pan, but it is not as thin as required! :(

  18. Wow! Your mum has amazing skills. The banh cuon looks superb!

    Have you tried making it on a nonstick pan and does it work?

  19. I love these!! I always order steamed rice rolls when I am eating at a Vietnamese restaurant, so yum!

  20. OMG! Thanks for posting about Bahn Cuon, it's my absolute favourite Vietnamese snack....!! I am quite scared to try making the crepe though, because if we just use a non-stick pan, the crepe might get a bit dry instead of silky soft. Any idea of how to prevent it to happen?

  21. Your mom is amazing! I see where you get your inspiration and cooking aptitude. This is one of those ingredients/dishes I never thought could be made at home - it still can't be made at my home, but after reading this I am hopeful that someday I can try.

  22. Cooking Gallery and Cooking Practice: You're absolutely right...making banh cuon in a nonstick pan is not the same as steaming. If you over cook it may get dry or even burnted and of course not as paper thin as doing it the traditional way. However, having said that, it can still be just have to be careful to ladle out a very thin crepe and cook it very quickly around 30 seconds or so.

  23. Thanks for the kind words on my blog today! You two are way too advanced for me, but perhaps I'll catch up in 5 (or 20) years! Love this banh cuon post! My brother made it recently and sent pictures from his apartment kitchen in Berkeley (I am in the Chicagoland area). If I can replicate your recipe I know I'll one-up him on this one.

    Love your site, and I look forward to reading more!

  24. It's great to see your mom. Behind every great chef is a great mommy chef.

  25. Jess: Been saving this post since thanksgiving because I visited mom this weekend to get her final input and seal of approval :)

  26. yum banh cuon. my mom just made some the other day. but i wonder if they have the screen here where i am. may have to get my dad to bring one back whenever he goes to vietnam next time.

  27. that looks delicious, although I think I'd enjoy it better if you guys just invited me over! Lucky you that your mom can make you such a feast!

  28. Great photos always! I particularly like the photo of your mother. When wewere in Hanoi in 2003, we had some great banh cuon right across the street from the famous cha ca place. At the time we were travelling with our Vietnamese "daughter", whose father was actually from Hanoi. He was particularly fond of the banh cuon from this quan because they flavored the filling with the scent extracted from this very nasty looking bug. The owner of the quan proclaimed all sorts of health benefits from the extract. When we returned in 2008, his quan was still selling some banh cuon, but the focus was on cha ca. Unfortunately in the intervening years both he and our friend in Saigon had suffered strokes. So much for the health benefits of insect extract.

  29. I love the picture of your mom holding the Banh cuon. That's beautiful! I know what I'm getting when I go to a Vietnamese restaurant next time. ;)

  30. These are my favorite! I love banh Cuon and never attempted to make them from scratch, but after seeing the picture, I'm willing to try it. Your mom makes it look easy, so we'll see. I'll post my results.

  31. Sijeleng: What a tragic story! We have never heard of this bug scent in banh cuon.

    Em: glad to introduce you to something new :)

    Janice: making from the cloth took some time to get used to..certainly not easy, but not impossible. Fortunately the batter is cheap :)

  32. They have similar in Singapore/Malaysia, served in some kind of sweet sauce, no filling like those Cantonese ones though.

  33. Those crepes are positively gorgeous! So perfectly thin. I'd imagine we'd all better get practicing if we're to master that art!

  34. Agreed; this is GREAT DETOX food! It's a gray cloudy day here... we really should get off our butts and make a batch of banh cuon. Thanks for the inspiration! And, great site! [K]

  35. What a wonderful blog you have! This recipe looks fantastic, too!

  36. I just ate this recently in Saigon and was wondering how it's made! Great post!

  37. Lo: We marveled how fast my mom made it hoping one day we can be just as good and not lose this art.

    Kim and Sook: Thank you!

    Ann: That's awesome! Hope you're having a good time and documenting all the things you're eating.

  38. This looks amazing! So fresh, healthy and delicious! You are right, this is a perfect detox food.
    I really like the photographs that you used to illustrate this dish.

  39. I love making banh cuon! My mom makes it in a pan as well so that's how I roll (pun intended)! :-)

    Great blog you guys have going - keep up the good work.

  40. You are soooo fortunate to have your mom teach you how to make such special food. Celebrating our culinary heritage is such an important and wonderful thing.

  41. cbien: thanks for stopping by...the nonstick pan does work, so roll on!

    Diane: that's what makes this so fun...we're learning so much from our moms, aunts, and anyone else in our family that cooks. Now talk about food and it's cultural signifance that we never would have in the past we hadn't started blogging about Vietnamese food.

  42. thank you, thank you, thank you!
    we have run out of dried rice pancakes at home & snow has made it impossible to get out of town to the nearest stockist, now I can make my own!
    one question though, should I use regular or glutinous rice flour?
    thank you again!

  43. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I was thinking to buy one of the steaming pot for the banh cuon. I'll have to wait a little since my mom wants to make her own

  44. Love this post! Is there anywhere in the Los Angeles area that you would recommend going to try these?

  45. Thanks for posting this recipe! I captured a great video of a mom and pop banh cuon shop in Hanoi churning out plate after plate -- they had SKILLLLS.

    Can't wait to try this out in my tiny Tokyo kitchen :)

  46. Aww your mom is so cute! :) I miss banh cuon as Hawaii isn't the capital of good Vietnamese food. :(

  47. Unreal, you guys have the actual steamer to make from scratch?Wow, I need,we need to be dining at your pad,wifey and I will be booking our ticket shortly, Hong And Kim, get ready for us =)

  48. Wow, this brings back memories. My mom used to make this and sell in the market and in front of our house in VN. My dad would grind the flour himself from rice and water to make the batter. They designed a big pot with the fabric top just like your mom's. Whenever they can't sell enough and have leftovers, my siblings and I would eat it.

    I believe that the rolled up version is called banh cuon, and the version that's not rolled up is called banh uot, but most people use the terms interchangeably. My parents made banh uot since it was less time consuming. They also made a sweet version of this, with brown sugar and coconut milk. It's made thicker, served cut up in ribbons with coconut flakes and roasted peanuts. I think it was made up, though

  49. David: Unfortunately, housing is so freakin expensive in LA, we don't have a pad yet... :) but when we do there will be plenty of entertaining and eating.

    Thuy: Thanks for sharing those memories! Your parents operation are the exact places I frequent when in VN..experts who do one thing really well.

  50. I love banh cuon, always have a bag of the pre-mixed flour on had. But I do it in my non-stick pan, which means it isn't nearly as delicate. Still hits the spot though--and really quite easy--once you get the hang of pulling them from the pan.

    I had an aunt in Westminster who had a little storefront serving vegetarian banh cuon (with tofu). She used the stretched cloth, and her banh cuon were simply amazing.

    Can you recommend other restaurants in Westminster? I read the one review, and as I will be going to California in mid-February, I'd love to get some good addresses...

  51. AMAZING food!!! This is one of my most beloved Vietnamese dishes. I would buy them from the market and drown it in nuoc mam. YUM!

    I need some of these shipped over to NYC pretty please ;)

  52. Tammy: The banh cuon premix flour and pan still definitely hits the spot...we'll email you about some places we like.

    Dhale: Banh cuon made the old fashion way like this is hard to find in NYC..can't rememeber if we ever did.. :(

  53. pretty interesting. when making cheung fun. a damp cloth is placed on top a low heat grill. the batter is poured on the cloth then a lid is placed over the cloth for a minute. then a line meat, be it shrimp, beef or bbq pork, is placed over the cooking noodle. covered again and steamed a bit longer. then using a spatula, the noodle is rolled over meat and cut to size to fit on individual plates. then topped with a sweet soy. redampen the cloth and repeat process for more. i'm not sure if the vietnamese process if more difficult, but definitely practice makes perfect. thanks for sharing. now where can i find one of those steamers :)


  54. Wow! I have never seen homemade banh cuon before! Your mom is amazing!!!

  55. Jim: thanks for sharing the tips on cheung fun--it is very similar to banh cuon.

    Flavorblvd: Thanks! we'll let her know! :)

  56. My sister gave me a pot just like your Mom and I like to try it one day. Can you advise the BATTER MIX if using this pot? Thanks so much and love your blog.

  57. pham: you can try the premixed batter bags that the stores have or make your own with rice flour and tapioca flour, in a one to own ratio as above. after you steam you first one, test the consistency if it's too thin or too thick, adjust accordingly. it's not easy--we messed up several times, but after a while you get the hang of it.

  58. I love your website! You've captured the essence of a food blog. Keep it up! I'm an avid reader ;)

    Banh cuon is perhaps my favorite Vietnamese entree! I've always used the pan but I'm curious to try the real way. By any chance, do you know where I can get one of those rigged pots? Do you know any online stores that might have them?

  59. sherry: sorry for the late reply..thank you so much for reading and we hope you comment more! we don't know of any online store that has them, but there's a store in los angeles that has them and maybe they can ship it to you V & N Trading Co. ask for Van it's at 861 N. Spring St. #222 LA CA 90012 phone is 626-548-1990

  60. I have been craving banh cuon lately. I will try your recipe soon. I have a steamer but I might be able to fit a piece of cloth on it for cooking banh cuon.

  61. mykitchenfromscratch: it's not just any cloth, but poly cotten blend..if that doesn't work, just do the pan :)

  62. I love your site! Can you please let me know where (not in Vietnam) I can buy these banh cuon steamers, cloth, bamboo stick, etc. to make banh cuon? Can I purchase them online? I'm in the NYC area. Thank you!

  63. Thuy, we're not sure where in NYC you can find can always check the restaurant supply stores in chinatown. In LA, you can find it at V & N Trading Co. ask for Van it's at 861 N. Spring St. #222 LA CA 90012 phone is 626-548-1990..see if they ship. Thank you for reading!

  64. Oh my goodness, I moved out from mom's place for a while now and there is nothing like her home cooked vietnamese food...especially because I'm pregnant and it's all I want anymore. This is making me beg her for some banh cuon. Agony.

  65. I think this food it's really...really...really delicious...thanks 4 the nice post...can't wait to try this food.. ^.^

  66. Great post. However, not to nitpick, for the filling, you forgot to include the wood ears when you cook it.

    "Then make the filling. In a pan on medium high heat, add a small bit of cooking oil and fry the shallots. When shallots begin to turn yellow, add the ground pork and onions. Stir frequently and season with fish sauce. Mixture is done when the pork is no longer pink. Drain any excess liquid/fat and season with pepper and additional fish sauce or salt to taste. Set aside."

  67. great blog. Thanks for sharing even I am Vietnamese but I dont know too much.

  68. Wow! This is something so interesting. I better try this one. It is really new to me.


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