Friday, January 1, 2010

Jalapeno Poppers in a Blanket

jalapeno poppers in a blanket

Here's wishing you a healthy and happy New Years! With so much success baking the persimmon tart with puff pastry, we decided to bake again. Yes, dear readers, our second baking post in 8 months! With extra Pepperidge Farms puff pastry sheets provided to us as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemasters program and some items we had in the fridge, we threw together a healthier non-fried version of the classic jalapeno poppers--but with some twists. Instead of coated in breadcrumbs and fried, we decided to lovingly wrap them in a blanket--a puff pastry blanket. Another addition was some roasted garlic that we had left over.

jalapeno poppers

Jalapeno Poppers in Puff Pastry Blanket
Printable Recipe
  • 12 medium size jalapenos (choose straight ones with stem on)
  • 8 oz. light cream cheese, softened at room temperature
  • 3/4 cup finely shredded sharp chedder and monterrey jack
  • 4 cloves of roasted garlic (use more or less according to taste)
  • 3 strips of bacon, cut into small pieces, fried and drained
  • 24 puff pastry squares roughly 2.5 x 2.5 inches
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Fry up the bacon bits until crispy--discard oil and drain on paper towel.

Split the jalapeno pepper lengthwise and core the seeds and membrane (be careful not to touch the seeds and membrane too much--use gloves or a spoon; you can leave in a bit of membrane/seeds for an extra kick).

In mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese, shredded cheese, roasted garlic, and bacon bits. Mix well--the roasted garlic should be soft and easy to work into the mixture.

jalapeno poppers

Stuff each half of the jalapenos with the mixture. Place the jalapeno diagonally on the puff pastry and wrap the puff pastry around the jalapeno. Pinch the edges together tightly and top with additional shredded cheese.

Leave enough space between each popper for it to puff :) Bake in a baking sheet lined with foil for about 12 minutes or until golden brown.

*Cooks notes: To roast a whole garlic bulb, cut off 1/4 to 1/2 inch off the top of the bulb, drizzle with olive oil, wrap in aluminum foil and roast in 400 degree oven about 30 minutes or until browned and caramelized. This can be made in advance.

jalapeno poppers

Go ahead, grab one. Or two or four. The light and flaky puff pastry embracing the cheesy, bacon-y, garlic-y roasted jalapeno popper was a delight! Definitely a great and easy twist on a traditional appetizer. No messy egg and breadcrumbs. No deep frying. Try this at the next Superbowl party. Dare we say better than the original? Yes!!


  1. Great appetizer! Loved it tonight. Thanks for inviting me to the party. Btw, I'm also the first poster from 2010! =)

  2. Tung: We think you're going to have a great new year...glad you liked it and thanks for being the first commenter for 2010!

  3. Happy New year and best wishes to both of you!

  4. petitenyonya and llyng: thank you and happy new years to you both!

  5. Great idea! I love the presentation. Happy New Year! Is the wedding planned for 2010?

  6. Jessica: Actually we're thinking of 2011! Hard to decide on the food though...Asian style or not.

  7. Lovely! And they look so yummy! Happy new year to the both of you! :)

  8. Hey guys! Happy New Year! These look fabulous, a wonderful appetizer for parties.

  9. That looks very delicious and beautiful. I can imagine the beautiful combination of the puff pastry and the jalapeno and other ingredients....yum. Wishing you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year!

  10. How lovely! And easier too than making the traditional poppers. Great idea. Happy New Year, btw!

  11. I know, such a tough decision! We ended up with a Chinese Banquet for the rehearsal dinner and then "American" for the wedding.

  12. Dear Friend (s9!
    Greetings from Shizuoka, Japan!
    Thank you so much for changing your comment box!
    I'm sure a lot of visitors will appreciate!
    "Jalapenos in a blanket"!
    An intiguing (great) title!
    I can see some ladies forcing them into their husbands under the guise of great gastronomy! LOL
    A Happy New Year and beyond!
    Best regards,

  13. I don't eat meat, but besides the bacon this makes my mouth water!

  14. Ju: Happy New Years to you and your family!

    Christine: We've made these jalapeno poppers in a blanket for two different parties and they've both been a hit!

    Mary: thank you and same to you and your family!

    Ninette: Thank you and happy new years to you and your family!

    Jessica: Good compromise!

    Robert: Thank you!

    My Year without: You can definitely leave the bacon out.

  15. Happy New Year and I look forward to more of your outstanding creations!

  16. Cynthia: thank you and same to you and your family!

  17. Love the heat! Nice presentation too!

  18. Pigpigscorner: Yes,the jalapeno poppeers can definitely pack some heat if you leave in some seeds and membrane.

  19. 2 comments on this post. Great to let folks know about this method of doing poppers. Healthier then frying, at least a bit) and less set up than grilling. As to the garlic, I often use a garlic confit that I keep in the fridge for multiple uses. It mixes easily into the cheese mixture. Also, to that mixture, I often add some finely chopped mint and cilantro.

    I'm a professional cook and have followed you for almost a year now. Nice stuff! Love your enthusiasm and presentation.

  20. Chilewheel: Thanks for the tips! We've been going strong for 8 months--thanks for sticking around with us!

  21. My best wishes to you both, maybe celebrating your wedding this year? What a great way to start the year with these delicious appetizers. Jalapenos poppers in puff pastry? We couldn't have found a better item, these go perfectly well together :)

  22. don't tease me. you know i can't just have one by looking at the monitor! i love spicy food... your jalapeno poppers are perfect.

  23. I'm all for re-inventing a classic dish! It looks fantastic! Wishing you both a great 2010 and looking to see more "baking" from you guys!

  24. What a great idea for appetizer! I can't stop staring at the oozy cheese.

  25. Happy New Year Hong and Kim! Looking forward to your more delicious goodness. :)

  26. Jackie, Krissy, Trissa, Ellie and M: Thank you all so much!! It'll be sometime in 2011 :)

  27. umm...i'll take four please. happy new year, my friends. may 2010 be filled with all the happiness in the world for you both!! xo.

  28. I love it! You guys are just too creative. :)

  29. perfect finger food! I adore jalapenos but they are so hard to find and expensive in Singapore. The combi with cheese and puff pastry makes me hungry :D

  30. Happy New Year to both of you. Have a wonderful year ahead. That appetizer is mouthwatering. Always love the combination.

  31. I saw these on Photograzing and HAD to come see your blog. These looks delicious and I am going to make them soon! Really nice blog - I will be coming back for more!

  32. This version looks like a winner! Happy New Year guys!

  33. Thanks and happy new years to everyone. HoneyB, let us know how it goes!!

  34. Yummo! I am a real fan of Pioneer Woman's Jalepano Poppers, but I promise to give these a try too!

    I voted for you! But I noticed that they have printed your recipe backwards ... FYI.

    Best of luck!!!!!

  35. what a great idea. i'm drooling... the roasted garlic is a nice touch.

  36. They look really appetizing! I wonder if I can roast the the eggplants too just like the chili. Will it be too bitter to taste? Is it good also use mozzarella for toppings?


  37. Hi,

    I just found your blog here and came straight to this article and... wou, this jalapeno poppers looks really jummy.
    One day, when I am in mood, I will cook it. But I am sure it will not looks so good like your ones :-D

    Happy Cooking! ;)

  38. I love to cook and poppers are just the food ticket for me and ill be back!


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