Friday, May 22, 2009

Grilled Leeks on a Whim


In our very first post, I mentioned that I'm "de nuoi" or very easy to please/nurture since I can eat something for days and don't mind left overs. The past two weekends Kim made me com tam suon bi cha (broken rice with pork chops, pork skin and pork custard) and bun thit nuong (vermicelli with grilled pork) to eat for the week. So do I ever have to cook during the week? Well, yes--occasionally things do run out and I have to fend for myself :)

Running out of bun thit nuong, I went to the grocery store and saw some beautiful leeks. With no experience cooking them, I bought it on a whim and proceeded to search for a recipe to try. Immediately drawn to Wrightfood's "easiest, tastiest grilled leeks ever" recipe, I was easily convinced. So I made the grilled leeks as my main course. For the side, I had a left over rib-eye steak which I defrosted and seasoned with just salt and pepper.

I followed Wrightfood's recipe exactly-- except instead of basil, I used mint since it was what I had.


Grilled Leeks
Printable Recipe
  • 2 medium sized leeks
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tbs white wine vinegar
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2 tbs chopped mint

Cut off the leafy green end of the leek and keep the slightly green and white portion. Split lengthwise, then halve again across. The leaves of the leek will be tightly packed so split them apart to wash as there are lots of dirt and grit in between. Blanch in boiling water. Drain, dry, drizzle with olive oil and grill. Finish with sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, splash of white wine vinegar and finely chopped mint. In the meantime, the steak was pan seared and finished in the oven.

I must say, it was super easy and the grilled leek was spectacular. Thanks, Matt!


  1. I bet the flavor is fantastic! I have leftover leeks in my fridge that I was trying to decide what to do with. Thanks for giving me the answer.

  2. We grilled ramps the other day and they were fabulous even if a little charred. These look wonderful, too!



  3. Glad you liked the recipe! Your photo of the dish rocks too! Gonna have to try it with mint.

  4. Mmm, grilled leeks sound absolutely fabulous. I love the flavor of leeks, and I can only imagine that grilling them brings out the flavors even more. Great job!

  5. Great idea. we are getting some leeks to put on the grill today. big Bar-B at the Old Adobe...thanks, s

  6. Cookin'Canuck: Glad to share Matt's recipe with you. Let us know how it goes!

    Squirrelbread: Oohh grilled ramps sounds fantastic too! We'll have to try that!

    Elyse: We think grilling brings out great flavors in almost everything! Thanks for taking time to comment!

    Matt: Thanks for the recipe and stopping by. Your blog is amazing we love it!

    S. Stockwell: Let us know how it goes and what else you're making!

  7. i love leeks! they are so underused but have such a mild and lovely oniony flavor.


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