Friday, June 26, 2009

Vietnamese Coffee, Coconut, and Pandan Jelly (Thach Rau Cau)

vietnamese coconut, pandan, coffee jelly

Ever wonder what those attractive tri-colored gelatin in Vietnamese deli and banh mi shops were? It's coffee, coconut, and pandan flavored agar, a gelatinous substance derived from seaweed. Now don't let that scare you off...agar is vegetarian and an extremely popular ingredient for Asian desserts, including this popular Vietnamese variety. Pandan (pandanus amaryllifolius) is a tropical plant with a jasmine-like aroma and is very commonly used as a flavoring agent in Asian cooking, often steeped in coconut milk. Pandan leaves are often found frozen in Asian groceries, but bottles of flavoring extract can also be found.

He loves the aroma of pandan, I love the boldness and flavor of coffee, and we both love the sweetness of coconut. This dessert is so fun and easy to make and the flavors of coconut, pandan, and coffee work surprisingly well together.

vietnamese coconut, pandan, coffee jelly, agar

Vietnamese Coffee, Coconut, and Pandan Jelly (Thach Rau Cau) (makes 1 small jelly cake, about 3-4 servings)
Printable Recipe

  • 1 packet of agar (we use the Telephone brand, found at most Asian markets)
  • Green food coloring
  • Vanilla extract
  • Condensed Milk or Sugar
  • Pandan extract (or use Pandan leaves, about small handful, tied together in bundle)
  • 1 small 8 oz can of coconut milk
  • 2 tbs of instant coffee (adjust to taste and use any brand or flavor you like)
  • 4 cups of water
  • Jello mold or baking dish
Have multiple, ideally 3, small saucepans ready. Split the agar packet into thirds for each layer. The amount of condensed milk/sugar is really up to you as some people like this mildly sweet and some really sweet, so adjust according to your tastes.

For the coffee layer, heat about 1.5 cup of water in small pot, add about 1/3 of the agar packet, stir constantly until the agar dissolves. Add 2 tbs of instant coffee, add about 2 tbs of condensed milk or 2 tbs of sugar and a drop of vanilla extract. Taste, adjust condense milk/sugar to your taste and bring to boil. Carefully pour this into your mold. This will slowly set so in the meantime, start the next layer.

For the coconut layer, heat about 1 cup of water and can of coconut milk. Add 1/3 of agar packet and stir constantly. Add about 2 tbs of condensed milk or sugar and then adjust to taste and bring to boil. Before adding to the bottom coffee layer, check to make sure it is not fully set...test with your finger--it should not perforate through but spring back but still slightly sticky. You don't want it too soft or else the coconut will just mix with the coffee. Conversely, you do not want it to completely harden or else the layers will slide apart when cut. Carefully ladle on the coconut layer to the slightly hardened, but sticky coffee layer.

Finally, for the pandan layer, heat about 1.5 cup of water, the rest of the agar packet, 1 tbs of pandan extract (if using pandan leaves, tie in bundle with twine and remove at last minute), 2 tbs of condensed milk or sugar, and a drop of vanilla extract and 2 drops of green food color. Stir constantly and adjust to taste and bring to boil. Now you're ready to add the final layer. Again, before adding this layer, check to make sure the coconut layer is slightly hard and still sticky to the touch and then carefully ladle this on.

Let the jelly cool at room temperature or refrigerate to quicken the process (around 10 min-the thinner and larger surface area, the quicker it will set) and enjoy!


  1. Very interesting. I've never had it before.

  2. Oooh, that looks so classy, almost too beautiful to eat!

  3. Thach is one of my all-time FAVORITE desserts. The pandan layer makes me swoon the most. I know it's a lot cliche, but I could SO go for some right now. Even if it's 20 minutes till midnight.

  4. This looks soo nice. Colorful thach is more popular in Saigon than in the north. I loved them so much when I wasin the South. I love the coffee flavours in your creation.

  5. That looks lovely! I just got some agar recently, but haven't been able to find pandan. Well, I probably just wasn't looking hard enough - I'm sure the market where I got the agar has to have pandan somewhere.

  6. What a gorgeous dessert! This would definitely get a lot of wows if you brought it to a party.

  7. My parents enjoy eating this, so one of these days, I will surprise them with this dessert! I love reading your classic Vietnamese-inspired dishes!

  8. hummingbird: Try it's very refreshing!

    Miakodo: thank you! but eating was much better then photographing it :)

    Gastronomer: I wonder how it's like in VN when you had it. We never had it in VN.

    Anh: We once had all those fancy molds with flowers and birds--but couldn't find them :)

    anna: let us know if you make it and send us pix! :)

    Kirby: We'll have to find red dragon fruit to try your recipe.

    Food Addicts: Thanks again guys!

  9. Loved the way you've photographed these stripey slices. Such elegant lines :-)

  10. nikki: Thank you very much! it's always hard to take food photos since we're always wanting to eat it! :)

  11. tyvander: the powdery stuff...although we don't see why you can't use brewed coffee with the appropriate amounts of water. We think our recipe is not very sweet, but that's sorta how we like adjust according to your taste. There's tons of different ways this is made, we just had one where they put a layer of flan on top!

  12. i have pandan paste. Do I still use 1 tbsp.?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Doan: start with a small amount say 1 ts and then adjust according to your taste..let us know how it goes!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I made this dessert last night. I added more water than indicated in the recipe. It turned out very very good. My kids love them. Thank you for the recipe.

  17. I used the recipe and my jelly was too firm. I doubled the amount of water and it was still firm. I did not get the right texture or flaovrs (like jelly bought from Vietnamese stores and those from childhood in Vietnam).

  18. Thanks a lot for sharing.Will this jelly melt after take out of the refrigerator? How long it survive without melting?

  19. I love agar agar as it is so easy to use and it doesn't have that animal smell to it unlike gelatine.

    The jelly is great for hot weather, and it looks impressive for guests since it looks fancy with the pretty layers. :)

  20. Hi...Just wanted to say that your blog is Great!! Just happened to come across it trying to find out how to make some vietnamese food. It's sad to say that I'm vietnamese and can't cook it.

    Some of the food that you have posted brings back memories of my childhood.

    Keep up the good work. I will be returning often to get some more ideas.



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