Monday, July 13, 2009

Grilled Pineapples with Coconut Dipping Sauce

grilled pinapples

We're big fans of grilling...meats, fish, vegetables and yes, especially fruits. Grilling often brings out a totally new texture and flavor to familiar fruits. The caramelization of the natural sugars brings out a whole new layer of flavor. We found this great simple grilled pineapple recipe from and tried it at the 4th of July potluck--if you're counting the mint tequila lemonade, we never just bring one item to a potluck--we both like to contribute. :) The flavor of the grilled pineapples were great and the coconut sesame dipping sauce really put it over the top!

Grilled Pineapples with Coconut Dipping Sauce (recipe from
Printable Recipe
  • 1 whole ripe pineapple
  • 16 oz can of coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 ts salt
  • 2 tbs roasted sesame seeds or shredded coconut
  • 8-10 wooden or metal skewers

grilled pinapples

First prep pineapple. We like to cut of each end so that you have a steady base to work with. Then slice off the skin all around. Using a small paring knife, run shallow oblique cuts around the pineapple to remove the eyes. Cut into 8-10 spears and skewer.

For the marinade/dipping sauce, heat 1 can of coconut milk with salt and sugar. Bring to boil, stir occasionally and reduce by 1/4 to 1/2.

Grill pineapples about 5-10 mins per side or until it turns bright yellow and slightly charred at the edges. Marinade once each side with some of the coconut mixture.

When ready to serve, plate on serving platter and ladle additional coconut sauce on top and sprinkle toasted sesame seeds or shredded coconuts. Serve with extra coconut dipping sauce.


  1. This lovely recipe makes me long for Summer!

  2. OMG, this sounds so delish! This will be the perfect fruit treat for my brother's B-Day party. My mom's making Hawaiian lau lau. Yummy!

  3. Joy: Keep this in mind when summer rolls around down under! :)

    Stacy: Coming from Hawaii you guys must have fantastic pineapples! Try using both sesame and fresh shredded coconuts and have guess sprinkle over what they want. Let us know how it goes!

  4. We have a pineapple in our kitchen waiting to be eaten- I think this is a great, tasty way!


  5. That looks really, really good. I would imagine the flavors go very well together.

  6. I love all the flavors in this! I've never grilled fruits, but you've inspired me to try! Did you use a charcoal grill?

  7. Hello again! I just wanted to let you know that I've given you a Kreativ Blogger award!

  8. Justine: Def. let us know how you like it and post it!

    Hummingbird: Thanks so much! We really appreciate it!

    VeggieBelly: No, we used a gas grill. But either would be ok. If you have an indoor grill, try that even. Let us know how it goes!

  9. Yum-o!!! The ultimate summer food.

  10. Sherry: Just like our cuban/mexican corn, it's like Summer on stick! :)

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog. Wow, your grilled pineapple with coconut dipping sauce so creative!

  12. Those look like tasty pineapple slices. I love fruit and I even have some grilled fruit recipes. If you would like to see them or the collection of tips and recipes I have for grilling you can visit

  13. momgateway: thank you!

    outdoorgriller: thanks for the tips! we'll check it out.

  14. I love pineapple.have a nice day


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