Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ca Kho To - Vietnamese Braised Fish in Clay Pot

ca kho to, caramelized fish clay pot

Sometimes we just get tired of eating out and long for home style dishes that our moms use to make while growing up. Nothing reminds us more of our childhood memories more then ca kho to (Vietnamese Braised Fish in Clay Pot). While pho may be a special treat to eat on occassional weekends, ca kho to is a dish that families routinely eat on a regular basis. The sweet, savory and gooey goodness of the caramelized sauce of this dish is almost good enough to stand on it's own mixed with plenty of jasmine rice.

In Vietnam, ca kho to is often cooked in a brown clay pot to retain heat and help in the caramelizing process, but this isn't essential. We like to use our Korean stone pot, but any thick pan or dutch oven that retains heat will do just as well. Typically catfish is used, but really any variety of fish can be used. Catfish is great for braising since it has a higher fat content, rendering it moist but still retaining it's shape during the braise. Some recipes even call for braising some pork belly with the fish as well. While it's easy to make your own caramel sauce, we like to use the premade one since we use it for so many other things as well.

ca kho to

Ca Kho To (Vietnamese Braised Fish in Clay Pot)
  • 1 lb catfish steaks (bone and skin on--or substitute with tuna, mackerel..etc)
  • 4 tbs fish sauce
  • 3 tbs brown sugar
  • 2 tbs minced shallots
  • 2 tbs minced garlic
  • 1 tbs black pepper
  • 3 green onions, sliced 1 inches long
  • 3 tbs caramel sauce (we like the coco caramel syrup seen above--if you can't find this see below)
  • 1 can of young coconut juice
  • 1 thai chili (thinly sliced, optional)
  • cooking oil
Clean the fish steaks, rinse well and pat dry. Marinade with fish sauce, sugar, pepper, garlic, and shallots for about 1/2-1 hr.

In pot, heat about 1 tbs of cooking oil on medium high and add the marinaded fish. Allow to sear and brown for about 2-3 before searing opposite side for another few minutes. Add the caramel sauce and just enough coconut juice to the level of the fish steaks. Cover and turn to med low heat and allow to simmer for about 25 min (longer if you want it really soft), checking a few times to make sure that it's not reduced too much. Add more coconut juice or caramel sauce if needed. The fish will eventually caramelize and brown, as will the sauce which will be a thick gooey consistency. Taste sauce and make final adjustments with fish sauce or sugar. Turn off heat and add additional fresh cracked pepper, green onions, and optional chili pepper.

If you can't find premade caramel sauce, it's easy to make your own. All you need is sugar and water. Use about 2 tbs of sugar and 1/4 cup water and keep at a rolling simmer, stirring until it reduces and becomes dark brown, about 8min or so. It should be around maple syrup like consistency. If too thick, just add more water.

ca kho to - caramelized fish clay pot


  1. Nice! I just ate this for dinner! :D

  2. What a lovely, nourishing, comforting meal!

  3. yum, this is one of my favorite things to make for dinner!!

  4. I really love Vietnamese food, but sometimes have a hard time finding recipes that seem "authentic" (as if I would know...ha) This looks delicious, thanks for sharing!

  5. I agree on the longing for the mom's dishes although mine would be be more of grandma dishes because she could cook and mom swears it skipped a generation.

    This reminds me I need to find a clay pot. Definitely something I want to experiment with.

  6. Anh: Thanks! Ca Kho To is just such a good daily meal.

    Joy: Ca Kho To is definitely one of the most popular Vietnamese comfort food.

    natalie: thanks for stopping by our blog and commenting!

    Sam: Authenticity is a hard thing to pin down as even in Vietnam, ca kho to recipes can vary by regional and personal preferences. Even in this dish as some use pork belly or ginger or lemongrass.

    jeff: clay pots are often found in asian markets for pretty cheap--but you don't absolutely need it to make ca kho to. A good dutch oven will be perfect.

  7. I was just talking to my grandma about this dish! I've made thit kho many times, but have yet to try my hand at ca kho. I know a clay pot isn't necessary, but it looks so stinkin' cool.

  8. Gastronomer: You'll be a pro at making this dish if you already know thit kho. We love our Korean stone pot since we use it for this and soon du boo. :)

  9. Wow, this looks amazing! Something like mom used to make :-) Thanks for posting....will be trying as soon as possible!

  10. I always like claypot dish. I have never tried a Vietnamese claypot fish. This is definitely a must do dish to me! Thanks for sharing!

  11. anonymous: Let us know when you make ca kho to and how it goes!

    Ellie: We'll love to see your version of fish in clay pot one day.

  12. This sounds like the perfect recipe to get my partner to eat fish!!

  13. OMG this looks amazing. Om nom nom nom

  14. The braised fish sounds amazing! I'm loving the addition of caramel sauce! Glad to find your blog!

  15. Meagan: We'll love to know what work of art you would pair with this dish.. :)

    Ross: Thanks! We think the ca kho to tastes great too.

    5 Star Foodie: Thanks! Anything caramelized is good. This method is also great for braising pork belly (thit kho) or chicken (ga kho).

  16. This looks heavenly! Gooey, sweet catfish? Nice!

    I think that I could improvise this dish with ingredients available in Japan. But the coco caramel syrup I might not be able to find. How could I improvise that?

  17. KyotofoodiePekoPeko: it's easy to make your caramel sauce. All you need is sugar and water. Use about 2 tbs of sugar and 1/4 cup and keep at a rolling simmer, stirring until it reduces and becomes dark brown, about 8min or so. It should be around maple syrup like consistency. If too thick, just add more water.

  18. Kevin: Thanks! Ca kho to is one of our comfort go to dishes.

  19. I tried this and it was great and easy. I might try again with a different type of fish. The catfish (frozen yellow catfish) I used has a lot of small bones. Any suggestions on what I can replace with?

  20. This is insanity!!! Your blog always makes me hungry!!! Please spare me some mercy!!!

    I Totally Love this dish, although I think I usually devour the rice and the sauce a little more! Strange!

    Well thanks again for making me salivating....!

  21. Anonymous 1: Sometimes we prefer tuna steaks and mackerel steaks over catfish because of that reason. Give those a try!

    Anyonymous 2: We feel the same way about ca kho the sauce...we'll do our best to keep on making you salivate! :)

    Test: thanks for sharing the recipe.

  22. I've been looking for a recipe like this! where can I find the coco caramel jar in/around San Francisco? I just moved here so I'm not that familiar with all the grocery stores. Thanks and great website!

  23. Linda: If you can't find it in your Asian grocer, it's easy to make your own. All you need is sugar and water. Use about 2 tbs of sugar and 1/4 cup and keep at a rolling simmer, stirring until it reduces and becomes dark brown, about 8min or so. It should be around maple syrup like consistency. If too thick, just add more water.

  24. Simply delicious - I'll be sure to make this.

    In Vietnam, would they eat this dish with herbs?

  25. Nii: In typical family dinners, meat/fish dish such as ca kho to is eatened with any variety of soup, such as canh tan o and a side of veggies such as mustard greens or pickled vegetables (do chua). Generally, this isn't eatened with herbs (perilla, mint, rau ram) like noodle soups.

  26. my mother used to make a huge pot of this dish for me, because i'm a huge fan of leftovers and i could eat this pretty much everyday for a week. she used sardine fish, stewing them for such an amount of time that the bones became so tender, they'd melt in your mouth.

    my grandfather used to serve this with rice porridge for breakfast. this post so brought back memories!

  27. angry asian: same here! the left overs of this dish is still so good...thanks for sharing your family traditions!

  28. Just had this for lunch at Vung Tao II in Milpitas (delicious!) and I was looking for a recipe to try. Look forward to checking it out.

  29. This was my favorite dish made by Vietnamese ex-mother-in-law, so after the divorce I thought I would never taste its deliciousness again. After following your recipe myself, I just wanted to say "THANK YOU!" The only thing I added was that she always served it topped with hanh phi (fried shallots), which added a nice lite crunch. Dare I say this one's better than hers? Yes, yes I think I will... :)

  30. KRon: Thank you so much for the feedback--it's comments like yours that really make this blog and sharing recipes enjoyable!

  31. The sweet, savory and gooey goodness of the caramelized sauce of this dish is almost good enough to stand on it's own mixed with plenty of jasmine rice.

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  32. Hi, i am just wondering how do you do with the new claypot without cracking? Thanks.

  33. anonymous: this site has good information on claypots

  34. Thanks for the link, it's so helpful.

    Anyway, your ca kho make me mouth watering, all your recipes are look good.

    Thanks again for the recipes and claypot information.

  35. This is a fantastic, yummy to see this blog, good food, O i feel hungry now, let me have one please, Thanks for share this Yummy post.

  36. One of my favorite Vietnamese dishes, but I find it almost impossible to find it in restaurants in Montréal. I feel like I'm doing my culture a service by finding this recipe, just wish my father had taught me before, like the language.

  37. Not usually a huge fish fan, but I've always wanted to make this. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your blog! I wanna run to the nearest Lee Lee and make some of these recipes.

  38. The information about the Ca Kho To Vietnamese Braised Fish in Clay Pot is one that has so much as for information I think that the given information is really good and from the pictures even it look great.

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  40. The Vietnamese Braised Fish in Clay Pot, is some thing nice for eating and I think this this is a thing which always has a test that peoples does like eating it.

  41. Hmmmm!!!thanks for this most delicious and tasty meal article,specially for all pictures you share.

  42. I just tried cooking this dish but didn't have coconut juice so i substituted coconut milk+water. Just wondering how should the sauce taste like when it's cooked? I thought it tasted a little weird. Like sweet with spicy taste. Maybe i've added too much pepper? ><

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  45. Anonymous, I used to sub coconut juice for coconut milk and water too...and the dish would always come out really weird as a result!

    I later learned from my mom that you can sub Sprite or 7-up if you can't get coconut juice. It's a strange sub, I know, but my mom's ca kho and thit kho were always delicious. :9

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