Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Peach and Berries Flambe

fruit flambe

Peach and berries flambe has been our "go to" dessert for all the backyard barbecues we've hosted and been invited to this summer. It only takes minutes to prepare and is quite a show. We serve this over vanilla bean ice cream...and of all the times we had it this summer we've never been able to get a good shot of this concoction on the ice cream because it disappears so quickly!

Flambe is easy and safe to do as long as you follow some simple tips. Use 80 proof alcohol such as brandy, rum, or cognac. Pour out only what you need--never from the bottle. Take off from heat before you pour the alcohol on (we were so busy trying to capture the photo, we didn't follow our own advice). Use a long barbecue lighter and light immediately. Have a lid ready just in case.

fruit flambe

Peach and Berries Flambe

Printable Recipe
  • 2 peaches, cut in wedges
  • 1/2 cup rasberries
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 3 tbs unsalted butter
  • 3-4 tbs brown sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 ts cinnamon
  • about 1/4 cup of silver rum
In large pan, melt butter and sugar under medium heat. Add peaches and cook for about 2-3 minutes, stirring gently. Then add the cinnamon the berries and cook for another few minutes until peaches are slightly soft, stirring gently. Turn off heat. When adding rum, spread across the pan, not just in one site. Immediately light on fire, but making sure you stand back accordingly (It actually might be help to have a partner help pour the liquor and then you light.) Allow the flames to burn off. Stopping it too soon will allow the remaining alcohol to soak into the fruit.

Finally, check your eyebrows to make sure it's still there---just kidding!!

fruit flambe

The natural juices from the peach and berries as well as the hint of rum is delicious! Spoon on top of vanilla been ice cream and you'll wish summer would always be this good...

We're submitting this as part of Summer Fest '09, a collaborative effort coordinated by Margaret at Away to Garden.

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  1. Wow!! What a great shot with the flame!

  2. oh mama! this look so darn good!!! but i worry about my eyebrows...nono i worry abt my flat ^_^ can i just come over with a plate?

  3. Ellie: Thank you!! We had to get close with the 50 mm lens!

    Rita: You're welcome to come over anytime you're in California! Actually, without the rum flambe, cooking the fruit in butter, brown sugar and cinnamon still tastes great.

  4. wow that looks absolutely delicious! great shots!

  5. Those pictures are out of this world! WOW!!!! I love the first one! Nothing like some great fruit au flambe!

  6. reganmitzi: thanks! try it with bananas too.

    jennifer: thanks! the first one is our favorite too. my future brother-in-law loves fire so i would say this is his favorite desert.

  7. that is one absolutely gorgeous looking dessert! i love desserts made with fruit! they are perfect for any time of the year, just using whats in season. what a perfect summer dish ! the photos are lovely as well!

  8. awesome picture! you guys did a great job of taking that shot - and i'm sure the dessert was delicious - i love the hot and cold combinations! damn we should invite you guys to our bbq since it seems like you are both so generous when it comes to bringing something!!!

  9. That looks soooo good! The photo of the flames is amazing!

  10. Great photos! They're so good I forgot what I was looking at!

  11. Beautiful capture! This technique is so professional looking but I've yet to try it because I have a phobia of burning down my kitchen, haha

  12. apple hill adventurer: thank you so much. we love fruity desserts as well and the hot flambe brings up the sweetness of these perfectly.

    krissy: thank you! the hot and cold textures is a great thing about this flambe on ice cream. We love summer bbq's and have been known to crash them too ;)

    hummingbird appetite: thank you, almost singed eyebrows for taking the pic so close!

    chocolate and whine: Thank you...the flames can be mesmerizing.. :)

    noobcook: we've done flambe indoors once as well, just cut down on the liquor and it was fine... :)

  13. just a hint, a little technique that adds to the 'wow' factor & showmanship of preparing flambe desserts - toss a pinch of cinnamon while the pan is still in flames. it sparkles up and always pleases the crowd

    very nice blog you have

  14. greg: thanks for the tip!! we added cinnamon early on, but next time we'll save some and keep your tip in mind for our flambe.

  15. Wow, extremely wonderful shot of the flambee and I agree it's a showy dessert but simple at the same time.

    I really like all your Viet recipes, I'm currently trying to perfect a Bánh Bột Chiên Trứng recipe. Simple but finding the right rice flour is hard.

  16. cocochanelella: flambe recipes are simple and spectacular. Banh bot chien is something we enjoy on occasion and used to make the flour ourselves but recently we buy the premade ones. We'll post it the next time we eat it.


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