Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Diaper Cake: Adorable and Sweet as can be...

diaper cake

It's been a baby boom year for our friends and family and we are so happy to welcome new members in our family and friends' circle. Having a new baby is such a joyous occasion and we wanted to shower new moms and babes with something thoughtful, useful, and cute.

A special baby diaper cake is so practical, creative, and fun to make. These adorable arrangements are made out of diapers that are shaped into a cake and stuffed with little gifts for the baby. These cute gifts are also great centerpieces at baby showers that the Mom-to-be will surely enjoy. While these diaper cakes aren't edible, they're still filled with sweet-sweet thoughts....

diaper cake

Diaper Cake
Printable Recipe
  • Approximately 50-60 diapers (plain white ones and about 1 month old preferable)
  • Wooden dowel about 1/4- 1/2 inch thick and about 1.5 ft tall
  • Rubber bands (small and large sizes)
  • 1 yard of elastic band
  • Glue gun
  • Ribbon (about 3 yards)
  • Plastic cake platter (Nice clear platters can be found at the dollar store)
Other Accessories: Bibs, ribbons, baby bottles, socks, mittens, body suits, rattles, teething rings, pacifiers, etc.

Lets start baking!

Start by rolling diapers lengthwise into a small roll and securing each diaper with a rubber band, about 36-40 diapers or so. Each layer of diaper cake is composed of a central core of rolled diapers and an outer layer of unrolled diapers.

The number of diapers you use will vary depending how large or small you want your diaper cake.

For the base layer, use about 20 diapers or so and secure with a larger rubber band/elastic band. Around the outside, you want to have a flat layer of overlapping diapers to create a smooth surface.

Make each successive layer smaller then the last.

Once you have each layer made, you can substitute a few individual roll of a diaper with clothing, baby bottle, bib, or squeeze these into the spaces in between the diapers.

Then place the base of the diaper cake on the platter and slide the wooden dowel in the center and carefully stack the middle and top layers over the dowel.

Now for my favorite part, the icing on the cake...

For each layer, wrap a wide ribbon around each tier to cover the rubber bands. Secure with hot glue.

Using the hot glue gun, you can also add flowers or toys around the cake and top the cake with a stuffed animal or toy. Pin small socks or mitten and squeeze in rattles around. You can also wrap the cake with cellophane or tulle netting.

diaper cake

My dear friend Cathy, Hong's cousin-in-law, made this beautiful diaper cake with her helpful baby boy assistant.

Not only am I anxiously awaiting the new arrivals but I also can't wait to make another diaper cake! Have fun with it and let your creativity shine!


  1. They are lovely! You are so creative in making the diaper cakes. Awesome!

  2. That's a masterpiece! So cute and creative! What a pretty way to present the gifts :)

  3. Little Inbox: Thank you! Diaper cakes are only limited by your imagination!

    noobcook: we hardly ever bake, but diaper cake's we do!

  4. I might just have to pop one out to receive a diaper cake ;-)

  5. Gastronomer: That's right! You and the Astronomer better get crackin'! :)

  6. that's awesome. are u guys like the vietnamese answer to martha stewart? what's going on here?

  7. They are great - I probably shouldn't show my wife though.... she might start getting ideas!!!

    Andy - http://onceuponathyme.wordpress.com

  8. My co-worker makes these for every baby shower at work, and believe me, there are a lot since I work at a school. Everyone loves them!

  9. yutjangsah: We'll take that as a compliment!

    Andy: we'll, you got the marraige and honeymoon done...the next step is obvious!! :)

    Ninette: Diaper Cakes are definitely crowd pleasers!

  10. I liked how you incorporated the miscellaneous baby items around the diaper cake! Any new mom-to-be would LOVE to have one of these at her baby shower!

  11. krissy: let us know when you're ready for one! ;)

  12. OMG, these are gorgeous! I've never thought diaper can comes out something as beautiful as this!

  13. My Little Space: Thank you! Diaper cakes are really easy to make to.

  14. we had a slew of friends who had babies in the past few years...i wish i had your AMAZING creation earlier!! they are just the sweetest looking gifts EVER for a baby shower and mom-to-be. wonderful job!

  15. giao: Don't worry, there will always be more babies...let us know when it's your turn!!

  16. i'm going to have to steal this great idea for a baby shower..thanks

  17. These Diaper cakes are getting really popular this year – love the work was going to design one for my niece she lives in the UK but found this site Nappy Cakes Gift they have some nice gifts.


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