Thursday, March 4, 2010

Celery Delight Cocktail

celery cocktail

Who would have thunk that celery and cilantro would go so well in a cocktail?  Christophe Namer and the folks at Grey Goose Vodka did and we couldn't agree more. We're by no mean libations experts but we know a great cocktail when we taste one.  It was my (and many others) favorite at the recent fundraiser for Haiti, Stir It 28, hosted by Chrystal and Amir of The Duo Dishes and Greg of Sippity Sup. It was a fantastic event with great food and drinks by fellow blogger friends. Here we recreated the Celery Delight, one of three signature drinks served at the event.


Celery Delight (recipe courtesy of Christophe Namer and Grey Goose Vodka )
  • 2 ounces Grey Goose Le Citron*
  • ¾ ounce fresh squeezed lime juice
  • ¾ ounce simple syrup
  • 2 (2" long) pieces of celery stalk
  • Cilantro (1/3 of a cup loosely packed)
Muddle celery with cilantro, then add all of the ingredients. Shake vigorously and double strain into rock glass with or without ice. Garnished with celery sprigs.

Cooks Notes: We've also made adaptations with rum and mint to substitute for the vodka and cilantro for a celery mojito and that works well too.

celery cocktail

Crisp, refreshing, tastes great, and packed with vitamins!  Next time you make a stir fry or other dish containing celery and cilantro, give this cocktail a try for a pre-dinner libations.  Don't knock it till you try it--you won't be disappointed! 

*Disclaimer: We received no product or monetary payment for this post.


  1. Awesome! I didn't even think to ask them for the recipe! Definitely my favorite at Stir It 28.

    Happy drinking :)

  2. Oh this should be really refreshing! I may adapt this recipe to suit my friends' taste soon. Planning a party is never easy.

  3. Intriguing! I wouldn't have even thought of that combination. It sounds refreshing.

  4. Anisha: I think it surprised a lot of people!

    Anh: It really was! Let us know how it goes!

    Ju and FLB: It is perfect for a summer cocktail party and get the conversation going!

  5. Yum sounds refreshing and healthy too! All I need is a chaser of salsa and we're good to go!

  6. Nice recreation! I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed that one quite a bit.

  7. yutjangsah: when can you say that about a cocktail? :)

    jenn: it's definitely on our short list of easy and good cocktails.

  8. hey you crazy kids - glad you're now on Twitter!

  9. oooh, that's great that you recreated this drink! i really enjoyed it. so refreshing!!

  10. This is a fabulous post! I am still struggling with my roundup of the event. May I use any of these pics? I was WAY to busy to shoot photos and I am having trouble getting people to send me pics of their dishes... eventually I gotta post something! It was at my house no less! GREG

  11. It's a toss up between this and the pear with sesame oil. The latter found its way in hand many times. :)

  12. Lovely cocktail. So refreshing!

  13. celery in a cocktail... who would have thought! It sounds really yummy.

  14. OMG - this was soooo good! Thanks for posting the recipe!! xoxo Jen

  15. What a fun cocktail! Very neat with celery and cilantro! I can't wait to try it!

  16. I love the bright green color, sounds very aromatic and fresh.

  17. This is really different and sounds great! Love the crisp, colorful photos!

  18. This sounds really refreshing and I like the presentation!

  19. I have to say, this was a beautiful drink! Really enjoyed it at Stir It 28!

  20. Interesting! Celery juice doesn't sounds good but Celery Delight sounds great! ;)

  21. I love both celery and cilantro! this drink looks so refreshing and appetizing :)

  22. Kungfoodpanda, The Duo Dishes, and SippitySup; the FoodAddicts can all atest, this was one surprising great cocktail!

  23. The recipe sounds deliciously refreshing. I will have to try it out. I love all your recipes!

  24. This cocktail is just in time for spring--definitely ready for warmer weather! We will be making a round or two of these soon!

  25. The soup is looking very tasty and also cool for summer days. It is very nice recipe and I liked it so try it later some time.

  26. Lime and Cilantro always go together in my mind, so I can see how this works. Definately something to serve to those jaded types who've "tried everything!"

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  27. There's always another cocktail out there, but this one sounds quite refreshing. Best of all, it provides a use for the leftover celery I always seem to have after making certain summer dishes...I'll just have to wait a bit before I can serve this on my own terrace. SoCal weather is not what we're experiencing right now.

  28. This was my favorite cocktail at the party. Glad you got the recipe so I can make it this summer!

  29. I think this is the time that I should start appreciating celery. Honestly, I really hate it.


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