Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thit Kho Caramelized Braised Pork and Eggs

thit kho braised pork

Thit kho (Vietnamese Caramelized Braised Pork Belly and Eggs) was a staple in our household growing up and just like our ca kho to (catfish in clay pot) and ga kho (caramelized chicken), each household has their own family recipe. Caramelization is a common component in each of these dishes and as you can see from the ca kho to (catfish in clay pot) and ga kho (caramelized chicken) posts, there's many ways to accomplish that. Another way to get a beautiful caramelization on these beautiful pork belly and eggs is to braise it in sweet coconut juice--the natural sugars eventually reduce and like magic, steeps a golden brown and delicious color to the pork and eggs.

There's a lot of flexibility to this recipe. We like to use juice from young coconuts, but for a quick substitute, use canned coconut juice or coconut soda (coco-rico brand). You can even use all water and caramel sauce or combination of half water/coconut juice/soda. Either way, they all require at several hours of braising and reduction of the liquid for a soft, melting in your mouth braised thit kho and a sweet and savory sauce.

thit kho braised pork

Thit Kho (Vietnamese Caramelized Braised Pork Belly and Eggs)

Printable Recipe
  • 2 lbs pork belly (or use skin on pork thigh--won't be nearly as soft as pork belly of course. Cut into fairly wide ~2-3 inch pieces.)
  • juice from 2 young coconut (yields about 4 cups--about enough to cover the meat--or use substitutes as described above.)
  • 4 tbs of fish sauce
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, gently crushed or thinly sliced
  • 1-2 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 4 whole hard boiled eggs (or more if you like--try to do this ahead of time)
thit kho braised pork

We like a very clear sauce so we par boil the pork in some boiling water for about 3-4 min to get rid of the gunk. Dump out the water and rinse the gunk off the pork and the pot. Return to pot and add the coconut juice.

Add the eggs, fish sauce, shallots, and garlic. The liquid should be generous enough to cover both the pork and eggs to caramelize evenly, if not, add a bit more water or additional coconut juice if you still have some left. Turn to medium high heat and bring to rolling simmer and cover lid, reducing heat to low. Braise for at least 1 hr--we go to 2.5 hrs even. The natural sugars of the coconut juice and fish sauce will caramelize the pork and eggs. Taste sauce and adjust with additional fish sauce or sugar to taste. Add plenty of fresh cracked pepper just before serving with fresh steaming hot rice and a side of veggies.

Notes: For more complex sauce, try adding 5 spice, star anise, fennel, coriander seeds, or cinnamon in a stainless steel tea strainer. Also, you can cook mustard greens in the sauce as it braises for a great veggie side.

thit kho braised pork

To chop the young coconut, lay it on it's side and using a good cleaver, wedge in into the coconut about 1 inch from the tip--make sure it's nicely wedged and in a single motion, bring both the coconut and knife together and pound on the cutting board, driving the coconut into the cleaver and it will split open.  Be quick and don't let all the juices spill.

thit kho braised pork

The pork belly of the thit kho is so succulent and rich, we confess we sometimes only nibble at the fatty portion or eat half... it's blasphemy for sure...but to help cut down on the richness and fattiness our favorite way to eat this is with dua gia (pickled beansprouts, chives, carrots and onions.) It adds a great crunch and just the right amount of acid/tartness to the sweet and savory melt in your mouth pork belly.

For our recent dinner, we also used this thit kho recipe to replicate Momofuku steamed pork belly buns!


  1. Freaking drooling over here. Love pork belly and always looking for new ways to cook with it. Definitely giving it a shot!

  2. Jeff: Do let us know how our thit kho recipe goes for you! If you like a crispier pork belly, try searing this after braising for a nice crispy crust.

  3. There is a lot more similarity between Vietnamese and Chinese food than I thought before I started reading your blog. It might be because we lack a lot of Vietnamese food here in NY. =( One of my dad's best friend and business partner for over 20 years is Vietnamese which means I grew up knowing him. I'm going to whip his butt for not telling me about all this stuff.

  4. Jessica: There's a ton of similarities but plenty of difference to make each unique. The Viet menus are all very similar in NYC and there's none that we can think of that serve "family" style dishes like thit kho.

  5. This is such an interesting dish. The flavor combination of pork belly, coconut and hard boild eggs is fascinating. Thanks for taking me on this food journey.

  6. My gosh, I grew up eating this and I am STILL eating it on a regular basis. I cook this for my kids every so often and the best part is, my recipe is almost exactly like yours!!! Hi-5! I have never used coconut juice (usually just water or chicken stock) but I will try it! It sounds absolutely delish - I can imagine the sweetness it imparts to the gravy. I parboil the pork just like you do too ;) This is truly aa homely, yummy meal! Great shots as usual :)

  7. Velva: Thanks for stopping by, indeed, vietnamese braised pork is a great flavor combo that most vietnamese grow up with.

    Little Teochow: Our nephew also loves this and can't get enough when my grandma makes thit kho. Parboiling does make for a clearer sauce right?

  8. This looks awesome! I think I also have this recipe in my Vietnamese cooking book by Andre Nguyen - but your food-picture looks even better than the one I have in my recipe book!

  9. I saw this on TV before. Good thing there's a written recipe I could try. I tried working with fresh coconut, I always ask someone else to cut the top. :)

  10. Cooking Gallery: Thit kho is an extremely common dish that's not commonly found in Vietnamese restaurants, but so good!

    Divina Pe: Cutting the coconut can be tricky but you can get the hang of it after a few tries. Let us know if you ever make thit kho!

  11. well, i guess i really have no excuse now to not make this on my own. i'll have to ask mom if she added any wrinkles. is there a brand of fish sauce you prefer?

  12. troi oi... This posting came a few days late for me as I tried to make tit kho this weekend and failed misserably. I used pork loin which wasn't fatt enough, resulting in really dry and tough tit kho. And I put my eggs in too soon so all my eggs were really rubbery. I'm going to try your recipe next time. It looks sooooooo good.

  13. Tricerapops: That's right..every family has their own recipe. We like the natural coconut juice instead of the coco rico. Three crabs is always good, but we don't use it exclusively.

    Ninette: LOL! Thanks!

  14. Yvonne: Oh no! Yes, don't use a lean cut of need the nice marbling of fat in pork belly. We use a combination of pork belly and pork thigh skin on and without a doubt, the belly is always more tender. We never have much a problem with rubbery eggs...but you can take them out after it caramelizes.

  15. Hands down, my favorite Vietnamese dish of all time. I make this dish at least three times a month ;-) This dish takes me to a happy place.

  16. Oh,takes me back to Mom making this during the winter. I like the pickled veggies in this and adding a generous dollop of red chili sauce for a bit of heat and vinegary contrast to the richness of the rich sauce and pork.

  17. Have you tried this with roast pork? OMG, it's to die for, especially the skin which softens and almost melts in your mouth. I learned this from my mother (of course!) who would stew leftover roast pork this way. She used the coconut soda, Coco Rico, and you would think it would be too sweet, but I actually prefer it to fresh coconut juice.

  18. Gastronomer: Three times a month! Thats a lot of happy places :)

    Anonymous: You can even infuse a thai chili in the sauce as it braises for a little extra kick.

    Anita: That's a great idea to use left over roast pork. We read the ingredients in the coco soda and didn't have much nutritional value so hence, au natural fresh coconut juice.

  19. I absolutely love this dish. My grandma makes it for me all time.

  20. Evelina: Thit kho always seems to bring back good memories of moms and grandmoms.. :)

  21. Wow, so glad you posted this. The flavor components are really interesting. I love how the pork looks in the broth with the eggs. I think I need to start looking for coconuts!

  22. Connie: It's all about caramelizing! We love the colors of thit kho and the flavors of coconut in thit kho too. Have fun finding your coconuts!

  23. Thit kho is a classic for Vietnamese home cooks! Your recipe looks good and the results are spectacular, judging by the pictures. Agree that coconut juice is a must: it wouldn't be authentic thit kho without it!

  24. This dish is indeed comforting and certainly packs a punch! Your food photography is amazing as usual.

    Jessica Lee Binder: You're right; there are many similarities between Chinese and Vietnamese because of the 1000 year domination from what I've read. I'd say of all culinary influences on Vietnamese cuisine, the Chinese have left the deepest impact. Think of the incorporation of noodles into the cuisine, use of chopsticks, soy sauce, tofu, etc.
    Dishes such as as bo bia (also known as popiah in Chinese), hu tieu, mi vit tiem all have Chinese origins :)

    It's always interesting to both acknowledge and learn about the borrowing of dishes and influences amongst different cuisines and cultures.

  25. Very tempting dish and delicious!

  26. nice looking belly!! seems like everyone is Momofukuing in the U.S.A :)

  27. dang this looks so delishous. if only i could handle raw meat without fainting!

  28. French Accent: No artificial ingredients in fresh coconuts that's for sure!

    Anonymous: thanks for the input!

    Elra: thit kho is fairly easy too!

    3 hungry tummies: he's not the only one who likes pork belly :)

    jutjangsah: whaaaah? really? what about korean bbq then?

  29. The pork belly looks sooo good. A recipe definitely worth saving and putting aside for later.

  30. this reminds me of my mum's braised pork dish. I like that u added coconut drink into the braise... so unique and sounds wicked good ;)

  31. Hummingbird Appetite: Can't go wrong with pork belly. It may be too good to put aside:)

    noobcook: Coconut juice or soda gives it an extra kick. Thanks for stopping by.

  32. I work at an Asian/World market and I've been dying to cook pork belly, of which we sell a lot of. This looks like its the recipe I've been waiting for, can't wait to try it.

  33. D: Do let us know how thit kho must see great ingredients everyday!

  34. That pork looks absolutely fantastic!

    Andy -

  35. This looks great! And I love that the recipe is so simple.

  36. I LOVE thit kho (nuoc dua). One of my fav. dishes in Viet Nam. The porky/salty/coconut juicy sauce that results is pure magic! Looks tasty as always.

  37. This is one of my favourite vietnamese dish. Can't wait for your momofuku pork bun recipe!!!

  38. I love this dish! It's so simple and wholesome. My mum used to make this dish is big batches which would last for ages in the fridge. Your post reminded me of this dish again, which I have made for tonight's dinner :-) It's interesting, though, how the recipe varies a little from family to family. Great blog, by the way!

  39. I cook something similar but without the coconut. The one you made really appeals to me! ;)

  40. Andy and Eddie: Thank you!

    Global Eats: Homey and delicious, thit kho is a great thing to come home too.

    Ellie: We just posted it... :)

    Cremebrulee: Thanks for stopping by! We'll check out yours..

    mycookinghut: Thanks! Chinese and Japanese all have similar versions of braised pork belly.

  41. I'd love to try this someday! So unique that it uses coconut water.

  42. Hello there!
    Thanks for the tip on cracking the coconut. I will pass it along to the husband as he's the "kitchen carpenter" of the house.

  43. OMG this recipe just made my stomach twist into an intense hunger knot...*ow* I LOVE LOVE LOVE pork belly and I have never had it made this way -- it is similar to a dish that my mom made a lot but I can't possibly imagine the sweetness of the coconut immersed with the fatty juices of the pork belly. My eyes are in heaven...if only my tummy was too :(

  44. petite nyonya: the sweetness of the natural coconut is great.

    linda: have fun cracking coconuts!

    joy: thanks for visiting our site...try this and let us know how it goes!

  45. I just tried making this and was very happy with how it turned out. Here is a pic of how it looked.

  46. powerplantop: yours look fantastic!! Very nice brown caramelization--thanks for letting us know and glad you enjoyed it!

  47. I just made this dish and it was so successful!! My first sucessful vietnamese dish. I used to watch my mom and guess the measurements because she could never tell me, since she does everything by taste. It never worked. I will use your website religiously.

  48. This sounds fantastic and will definitely fill my insatiable need for pork and pork belly.

  49. Can this be cooked in a slow cooker? If so what setting should i use and how long?

  50. Vincent: great idea!! a slow cooker would work great! The length of time really depends on you...if you like it to be slight firm, would go for about 2 hrs, if you want melt in your mouth, go for 3-4 hrs. as for the temp, try med setting.. :) let us know how it goes!

  51. Jessica Lee Binder & Anonymous,

    Cultural influence is bidirectional.

  52. If braising for longer than an hour, are there any suggestions for how much more coconut juice to put in? Do you have to adjust the other ingredients if doing so (e.g. more fish sauce)?

    Thanks for the recipe--looks great and seems easy, though I've been known to ruin seemingly easy recipes before!

  53. kupo: if you use enough coconut water to cover the meat initially, you shouldn't have to add any more coconut water or fish sauce. It will reduce but not that much. just braise it until the color is nice and caramelized. Let us know how it goes!

  54. Hi. I was just wondering how many cans of coconut juice you both used. Thanks!

  55. There is one place in Williamsburg, a 10-15 minute subway ride from Manhattan, that actually makes breathtakingly good thit kho. Believe me, I was hella surprised, having lived in NY for 4 yrs and being disappointed by Vietnamese food there. They even serve it with pickled veggies (though it's cauliflower and carrots, instead of dua gia). Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the place! I'll try to look it up. Thit kho is in my top 3 dishes of all time and would be my choice for my Last Meal--my grandma makes it sooooo good!

    Thank you for your inspirational blog! I am a Vietnamese food lover (I've eaten as many types of food as I can in my travels so that I can confirm to myself that Vietnamese food is the best in the world =) and it's really heartening to see such young talented Vietnamese food lovers such as yourselves being so dedicated to writing about Vietnamese food! Thank you!

  56. @uyen-khanh: thank you for all your comments!

  57. Thank you,thank you and thank you for this wonderful recipe. My mom makes this thit kho when I was small and has always been a comfort food. I am married now and trying to duplicate what she made, but like most asian mothers, she doesn't measure her ingredients. I have tried for years unsuccessfully to make this taste like home and now I can! This recipe is almost like hers but easier. My mom doesn't use coco juice but water. Coconut juice is the key ingredient here I think. I love your blog!! Keep those vietnamese cuisine coming.


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