Sunday, November 1, 2009

Momofuku Steamed Pork Belly Buns

momofuko steamed pork buns

This is our version of chef David Chang's famous steamed pork belly buns, one of the dishes which this pork obsessed chef has built his restaurant empire. We used the Vietnamese thit kho, caramelized braised pork belly and stuffed it in a pillowy soft and sweet hoisin glazed bao topped with slivers of cucumber, plum, and scallions. David Chang's recipe calls for brining and roasting the pork belly. We added plums to add a sweet/crunchy complement to the hoisin sauce. Even though we bought the flour to make our own bao, we didn't have time to shop and cook the steak ssam, banh xeo, and...the bao all in 3 hrs so we bought pre-made bao which is delicious and probably better then what we could have done given the short amount of time.

Steamed Pork Belly Buns
Printable Recipes

momofuku steamed pork buns

Chill the thit kho until firm and slice about 1/4 inch pieces. If you have a multilayer steamer, you can steam both the baos and the pork belly at the same time, about 5-6 minutes or until the baos puff up and are pillowy soft to the touch. Alternatively, you can heat the pork and bao in the microwave separately according to package directions.

Remove both pork and bao and allow to cool slightly. Glaze both sides of the bao with hoisin. Place the cucumbers, plum, and slices of pork belly. Top with scallions and serve.

Try this the next time you make a big batch of thit kho or if you don't want to make your own thit kho and want to assemble this quickly at your next get together, just get roasted pork at your local favorite chinese BBQ. Our dinner guests all enjoyed the flavors and texture of these pork belly buns!


  1. I love Momofuku's steamed pork belly buns. I'm going to have to try this recipe soon!

  2. These sound scrumptious!

  3. Fresh Local and Best: it's really easy to put together even if you don't make your own roasted pork..

    Little Teochew and 5 Star Foodie: Thanks! Our guests really enjoyed it!

  4. OMG - over the top! we'll be headed to momofuku soona and i have a sneaky feeling your version will have the edge on him!

  5. kiss my spatula: you're too kind, we doubt that but have fun in NYC!!

  6. Mmm. Yum! I gave you an Over the Top award over at my blog. No need to give out other awards unless you want to. I just wanted to acknowledge your awesome blog.

  7. oh look at the fatties in the bun!! yum!!

  8. There's nothing like braised pork belly. This dish reminds me of my father's cooking. It's actually his signature dish. :)

  9. Yum! looks delicious!! Are you both coming to FB festival this weekend? It'll be fun to meet you in person. :)

  10. Caremalised pork belly is one of my favourite bits of meat, if only it was a bit healthier I'd eat it every day!

    I've never come across the buns before, will have a look next time I'm in China town in Leiecester Square.

    Andy -

  11. I have been waiting for this post. Ah... so satisfying just by looking at the pictures.

  12. Thank you all for your comments and support. We've been swamped and getting ready for our trip to the Foodbuzz Bloggers festival! Yeah!

  13. Great post!Your pictures tell a thousand words and your pork belly looks incredibly succulent. I'm looking forward to meeting you in San Fran on Friday for the Foodbuzz Festival!

  14. Gotta love pork! I really wish I could have one of those pork belly buns.

  15. healthy apple: Thank you!

    hummingbird appetite: it's really easy to put together if you buy roasted pork in advance :)

  16. You guys take amazing food photos. I take snapshots of some of the things that cook but the photos you guys take are over the top good.


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