Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you to Lone Acorn, Hummingbird Appetite and Almost Bourdain for choosing the Kreative Blogger Award for our new blog.

We only started reading blogs for about a year and started our food blog on May 1st, 2009 on a whim and without much planning. We've learned so much along the way and the comments and support from you, the readers have been great. We've stumbled along the way--learned some blogging nuances and still continue to learn.

We really appreciate all of our readers spending a moment of their day visiting our site.

This award comes with some rules:
  1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
  2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
  3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
  5. Nominate 7 other Kreative Bloggers.
  6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
  7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

Seven facts about us:

1. Our first vacation together was in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Skip Cancun and go 1 hour south straight to this fantastic place.

2. We both enjoy going to swap meets.

3. We've been in a long distance relationship (though a bit closer now) for a over 2 yrs.

4. We both attended the University of Michigan...but at different times. Go Blue!!!

5. Kim once got me socks for Valentines.

6. I once gave her a simple silver ring, but in a Tiffany's box.

7. She wasn't fooled.

I would like to pass on this Kreativ Blogger Award to 7 wonder-spectacu-licious bloggers (in no particular order):

  1. Giao at Kiss my Spatula
  2. Cathy at Gas-tro-n-o-my
  3. The Food Addicts
  4. Rita at Mochachocolata-Rita
  5. Jackie at Pham Fatale
  6. Anh at Food Lovers Journey
  7. Caroline at Caroline Tran Photography


  1. wow! i am so honored! the badge will be displayed happily on my sidebar ^_^

    thanks so muchhhhhhhhhhh....btw i think i've done this meme before....let me dig it up

  2. Congrats! You deserve it, and I always look forward to your entries. What's a swap meet?

  3. Thank you for selecting us!! We are totally new to this blogging world too, so it's nice to have blogging friends like you! YAY!!!

  4. Thanks a million Hong and Kim! You guys are too talented for words. Keep on cookin, and I'll keep on lookin ;-)

  5. Rita-you deserve it!

    Ninnette: Swap meets are like Flea markets or big collection of garage know how the saying goes--one persons junk is another's treasure.

    Krissy: You guys are doing awesome.

    Gastronomy: Animal was just like you said...great crowd pleaser.

  6. You guys totally deserve the award. I always enjoy your blog.

  7. thanks so much, hong and kim! love that blogging has led to being able to meet such kind and talented people like you! hope you have an amazing time at yosemite and the grand canyon (two of our favorites)!

  8. congratulation! You really deserve it! :D

  9. Hummingbird: Thank you so much!

    Giao: We just got back and will post some pix!

    cookingpractice: Thank you!


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