Thursday, July 16, 2009

Watermelon Summer Salad

watermelon salad

While the watermelon steak may get all the attention, this classic savory watermelon sequal, keeps the pristine juicy watermelon intact. This a great summer salad that's light and delicious. Adapted from Simply Recipes, this is so quick and easy to put together. Feel free to add/substitute other fruits such as slices of mandarin orange or apple and herbs such as basil.

Watermelon Mint Cotija Salad ( adapted from Simply Recipes)
Printable Recipe
  • 4 cups cubed watermelon
  • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint, chiffonade
  • kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 ts sugar
  • Cotija or feta cheese
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • spiced candied kumquats (optional--we love this stuff and still had some left)
First pickle the onions in the lime juice with sugar and pinch of salt for about 10-15 min. In mixing bowl, combine watermelons, onions with lime juice, and mint. Mix gently, so as not to break the watermelon cubes. Drizzle with bit of olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately topped with cotija or feta cheese. Of course, we added the candied kumquats which goes well with almost everything!

watermelon salad
The epitome of light and refreshing!!

Hope everyone's enjoying their summer...We're off to the Yosemite and Grand Canyon National Parks and hopefully will have plenty of great pictures to show for it when we get back.


  1. wow....sounds so perfect for summer! but before i can use watermelon for anything...i'd finish eating them as is in no time...T_T

  2. I saw this salad on Nigella's show- watermelon and feta. I remember thinking then as I do now that this must taste amazing! :)

  3. Wow! This is terrific! A perfect combo of sweet and savory. Oh and juicy! I must try this!

  4. This is gorgeous! We have a great watermelon salad with mint leaves recipe too but yours comes very close! :)

  5. this looks so great! love the recipe and your pictures are excellent ~

  6. You guys sure know how to make watermelon POP! I love this fruit, but have never tried it in a savory aspect. Very cool!!

  7. Love the flavors!!! Now I can't wait for watermelon to get fresh around here.

  8. Beautiful use of summer ingredients. I love kumquat I've never used watermelon in a savory dish. You guys seem like you're experts about it. Love your choice of flavors. The tuna-alike steak was awesome too

  9. Rita: You're's hard to resist the juicy watermelon in it's natural state!

    Miakoda: there's definitely lots of versions out there and that's the beauty of it.

    sherry: let us know how it goes!

    Hillary: Yours look fantastic!

    Sprouted Kitchen: Thanks!

    Krissy: We had watermelon with pork belly before in a def. adds a great textural difference to a dish.

    Jeff: Let us know if you try it and how it goes.

    Ninette: thanks!

    Jackie: Thanks so much. You're definitely the master of many different variations!


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