Friday, November 13, 2009

Kim's Birthday

Kim's birthday

It has been a short week--normally we don't visit each other until the weekends, but this week it's special. We don't write much about our personal lives, but being a long distance couple can be tough. But we actually left for Carmel and Monterrey Thursday night to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday today. Even though we both write posts, this is a secret auto post that she doesn't know about. We'll be at Point Lobos State Nature Reserve to do some hiking as you read this...

And oh, I'm planning on giving her this little package today...Wish me luck! ;)


  1. Happy Birthday! A nice husband. A nice trip. A nice gift too.

  2. Happy Birthday and good luck!

    Point Lobos is a great spot to enjoy the day.

  3. Happy birthday to Kim. I am sure she will love her birthday gift from a wonderful husband.

  4. You guys are not married right?
    Happy Birthday Kim!
    Is that what I think it is?

  5. Chuc mung Kim sinh nhat rat vui.

    Happy Birthday to Kim.

    Have yo seen this website?

  6. This is the sweetest post I have ever read anywhere! Happy Birthday to Kim and good luck!

  7. I KNEW IT!!!!!! Congrats guys, and Happy Birthday, Kim. You have to show me the bling when I see you!

  8. ooh is that what i think it is?! hehe lucky birthday girl!! :)

  9. Oh my Goodness is that the on one knee box?!!! Happy birthday to Kim and good luck. Also enjoy the celebration.

  10. NICE!!!!!!Great job bro! I am sure Kim will be estatic to receive the box along w/the suprise of the post. Chuc Mung Sinh Nhat Kim!!!!

  11. That's a nice birthday gift!! goodluck and congrats! I love Kim!

  12. What an incredibly surprising way to propose! Congratulations!

  13. good luck buddy - nothing says love like a robin's egg blue-colored box.

  14. OMG! Sooooo excited for both of you! I love the "secret" post. And I've been to Point Lobos! It is a gorgeous place and a perfect place for something like this!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  15. msg 1: So sweet! Good luck!
    msg 2: Also, Happy Birthday!

  16. Welcome to the club, guys ;-) YIPEEEE!

  17. I've been subscribing to your blog & I just had the urge to comment after this post, because this is just so darn SWEEEET!

    Nervous much? C'mon, the way you write together, you don't even need our goodluck wishes. Congratulations in advance! :)

  18. Everybody now, "Awwwwww ..." This is so sweet! Happy birthday, Kim!

  19. what a cute couple! :) Happy birthday to chị Kim! :D

  20. I thought you guys were married. You already have all the qualities for being a good hubby :) Hope you guys have fun. I'm sure Kim will love the present. Best wishes on your birthday Chi Kim!

  21. Happy birthday to Kim! Great spot to celebrate. You seem the perfect couple. Congratulations to you both.

  22. Belated Happy Birthday Kim. What a wonderful gift. :)

  23. Thank you everyone for the warm birthday wishes! What a pleasant surprise I had this weekend! Everything was so perfect...

  24. Happy birthday Kim!
    hmm, so did what I think happened happened??
    If so, congratulations. :)


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