Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Proposal

the proposal

I just got back from a wonderful trip to Carmel and Monterrey, California to celebrate my birthday, but I am still on cloud nine from all the eventful things that happened this weekend. Hong took me to a California treasure called Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, just south of Carmel where the meeting of sea and land is just absolutely beautiful.

china beach point lobos nature reserve

It was a perfect day for hiking and we saw sea otters, pelicans, dolphins and even a deer. We started off on the Cypress Grove Trail and then to the South Shore Trail down to China Beach hoping to find a good spot to picnic. Just before reaching China Beach, we could see the beautiful turquoise water and white sand that rivaled those beaches in the tropics. We headed down a long and steep wooden staircase that led down to China Beach which we had all to ourselves. Hong first popped opened a bottle of champagne and we toasted to my birthday and enjoyed the calm sounds of the waves and the breathtaking views. Then Hong took out a Tiffany's box hidden in his backpack--I thought to myself "Hmm, I know my Hong too well...He would never get me anything from Tiffany's...not because he's not generous, but he's not into materalistic/brand name things. You see, I was tricked before with a Tiffany's box in the past...the first time was when he gave me a silver promise ring he got at the Seattle Pike's Market and wrapped it in a Tiffany's box. The second time was when I was helping him unpack when he moved from NYC to California and stumbled upon another wrapped Tiffany's box. I thought it was for me and opened it, only to discover a crystal apple paperweight that his work had given him as a gift! I was so embarassed...

mochi truffels

So when he came out with another Tiffany's box, I wasn't going to be fooled a third time. I knew it was something--but definitely not a ring! I opened it with some reservation, but I was right! There were two versions of Mochi Truffles that Hong made: cocoa covered and Tiffany colored that matched the box perfectly. The mochi truffles were yummy and along with the champagne, I thought it was such a sweet birthday gift.

Little did I know that he had hid the ring box beneath the truffles and the paper fillings! It was then when he surprised me and got down on his knees, and showed me the ring and asked me to marry him and spend the rest my life with him. Right at that moment, I had still had mochi in my mouth and my heart jumped right out at him and with tears of joy running down my cheeks, I said yes! My fingers, covered with cocoa and truffles, were shaking and I got chocolate all over the box!


Afterwards, we celebrated with a picnic of some banh mi and banh it tran that we had bought on the trip and while I was mesmerized and admiring my new ring, a seagull swooped in and snatched my banh mi away! Hong ran after it to catch this photo... Apparently seagulls like banh mi too! I hope he eats a spicy jalapeno for intruding into our picnic! But I wasn't too mad for long..he can can have the banh mi...I have my ring! :)

I couldn't have asked for anything more and had the best birthday ever! I can't wait to spend my life with the love of my life...We had a fantastic time in Carmel and Monterrey and we want to share a few more special experiences on our trip with you in the posts to come.


  1. Congrats and I wish I could give both of you a big hug right now!!!

  2. Oh my god! it is super romantic and cute!! congratulation!!!!! you two are made for each other!!

  3. So sweet and romantic! Congratulations to both of you! So when's the big day? Have fun with all the preparations. The planning process is really very enjoyable, despite what some would say. :D

  4. Congratulations! Hong is so sweet and knows you too well - he still managed to surprise you. Wishing you both all the best and thanks for sharing that special moment.

  5. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! :)

    Oh my.... that's really romantic! Congratulations!

  7. What a wonderful proposal! So romantic! Congratulations to both of you :)

  8. Congratulations!! Great photos to remember a beautiful proposal. Best to both of you!

  9. Happy birthday and congratulations! How wonderful!

  10. Wow, how romantic! Sounds like a wonderful celebration and start to your new life together. Congratulations.

  11. Ah, tears came to my eyes when I read this. My husband proposed to me almost 18 years ago at Christmas, in front of my family. He put the ring in a little truffle chocolate box. We had our 24th anniversary of our first date on November 9. Best wishes to you in your lifetime journey. Big virtual hug!

  12. Congratulations!!!!Can't believe the seagull stole your banh mi, darn birds!

  13. I knew it! It was a ring :) Happy birthday and Congratulations!!!

  14. romantic. Congratulations. Wish you both a life time of happiness.

  15. Congratulations and what a beautiful ring! Hong you did great!

  16. Congratulations to you both! Gorgeous ring! May you have a life full of love, laughter, food and good fortune!!!!!!

  17. Congratulations!!! I loved the story - so sweet, romantic and funny.

  18. Congratulations! You are marrying a gentleman that truly reflected his thoughts and deep feelings towards you in this creative proposal. You are a lucky gal, and he's a lucky guy!

  19. Congrats !!! You two are made for each other :D

  20. I knew it! Good work, Hong! And CONGRATS to both of you!

  21. What a beautiful weekend to have together.
    Congrats to the both of you, & thanks for sharing this loving moment.

  22. Wow....sweet, yummy banh mi and beautiful ring!

  23. Awww...congratulations! What a wonderful proposal and a beautiful ring. :)

  24. Congratulations to you both! Such a beautiful day and place to remember such a special moment.

  25. Woohoo. Congratulations to both of you. Hong and Kim, I'm so happy for both of you. Now, I know what Hong meant when he left a comment on my Mochi Truffles post. Now, I need a box of tissue.

  26. A MILLION CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!! That is the best proposal ever. Took my breath away and I'm not even a romance type!

    (How were the truffles? :P)

  27. CONGRATULATIONS! Your ring is beautiful!

  28. Ohhh so sweet and so romatic. I am so happy for you. CONGRATULATION!!!!

  29. awwwwwwww so sweet!!! you two are soo cute together!!! congrats! and to many more happy moments!!!!!

  30. Awww..CONGRATS! What a cute, sweet proposal story! Lovely ring too ;D Hope you two have a romantic, memorable wedding and many more cute stories to share in the future.

  31. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone! We're really fortunate to have you all think of us and wish us well..

  32. A huge congrats and wishing the both of you all the very best! :)


  33. I'm late for the party, but congrats to both of you! What a wonderful proposal Hong! =)

  34. Congratulations and happy belated birthday. I'm so happy for you two... but also so jealous...^^

  35. Happy Belated Birthday and a big congrats on your engagement. Lovely ring and romantic story :-)

  36. Congratulations!!! Both of you are such a lovely couple :)

  37. We are truly fortunate to have each other and even more grateful to have a lot of support from all of you guys! Thank you for letting us share the beginning of our journey together and for all your warm wishes...

  38. Oh my goodness! What a proposal! Congratulations!!

  39. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!! you two are definitely meant for each other and i wish you you both all the happiness in the world! xoxo

  40. what a story - congrats!!! i love the banh mi part of it as well, so funny. may your home be filled with happiness and great food! can't wait to see photos from the engagement ceremony - thit heo quay!!!!

  41. Oh how sweet! You're a lucky girl. Congrats to the both of you ^_^

  42. So romantic! And that seagull stealing your lunch is hilarious comic relief after the drama and the passion and the suspense! Dang. And I think it's good luck for a seagull to snatch your lunch after a marriage proposal. It means you will share bahn mis with each other for life.

  43. Thanks guys!! We're both looking forward to the future together!

  44. Congrats! All the best and warmest wishes to both of you!

  45. I love your site, your recipes and your story of how Hong proposed to you. Congrats on the engagement and if wedding or impending wedding, if you haven't gotten married yet.

    Looking to try out your recipes soon... after my cleanse finishes. The food looks devine!


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